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Bibliotheca FacuUatis Juridias Catalogus. ^6j
a Pack-mati and a Priefl; tranilated out
of Dutch by S. J. S. Edinh. i66y. in 8.
^ Sodom fiiir, or the market of the man
of fin, or an account of the prices of the
Pope's pardons and difpenfations. ■
ly|^>^i/^ Dialogues between Philerene and Phila-
lethe, concerning the Pope's fupremacy.
Kxfl. Proteftants againft Papifts, "Jol. i6.
num. 3. Lond. 1688. in 4.
\ / ^^.—'The Romiih Horfeleech; or, An im-
P'A'^1 partial account of the intolerable mif-
chiefs of Popery to this nation ; with an
elTay of the fupremacy of the King of
England. Lond. 1674* in 8.
— Confiderations touching thetrujELwa«?to
fupprefs Popery. Lond. 1677. -^^'.{^4
- Popery deftrudive to Monarchy; being
^'jLnj, ^" hiftorical difcourfe of the Pope's ufurp-
^Y^^'J^ ed fupragacy over Princes. Lond. 1675?.
in 8. "^g ^. /^
p*— Popery a novelty; or, the Proteftant
religion more ancient. Lond. in 8.
|u^,^,/A— Popery bariili'd. Exft. Proteftants a-
'if, gainft Papifts, 'vol. 15. num. 7. Edtnb.
./- /5" i58p. in 4.
p^/^^ Popery anatomized: or, the Papifts
^ clear'd from the falfe imputations of Ido-
■J-/vTlatry and Rebellion. Bid. mm.^. Lond.
168(5. in 4.
^^ 4.2/
y^,^!^»— True fpirit of Popery; or, The treach-
LL ^ ' ery and cruelty of Papifts. Ibid. num. 13.
^■!)^lyLond.i6%%^ inA-
)!»r^i,,Ls»r^ Popifti treachery; or, A ihort and new
j,. / ^^".^ account of the horrid cruelties exercifed
h'x^JS ^"^ ^^^ Proteftants in France. Ibid. num.
iy '^«i\14; Lond.'\(i%<)^ in ^.
^?^^^—Popery and tyranny: or^ The prefent
l^b a V Hate of France. Ibid. num. 15. Lond. 1685).
Ijt^^^^-^ Letter to a Lady, furniftiing her with
Scripture teftimonies againft the principal
points and doitfines of Popery. Ibid. vol.
, 18. num.6. Lond. i688. in4.
BT^r^T^i—Nubes tejfium : or, A colle6lion of the
primitive Fathers giving teftimony of the
fivith once delivered to the faints, in the
chief points of the [Popiih^ controverfy
at prefent under debate. Lond.i6'S6. in 4.
— The fpirit of Popery fpeakingout of the
mouths of fanatical Proteftants; or. The
laft fpeeches of Mr. John Kid and Mr.
John King, two Presbyterian Minifters,
who were executed tor high treafon and
rebellion, at Edinburgh i4thAuguft 1679.
With animadverfions, and the hiftory of
the Archbifliop of St. Andrews his murder.
Lond. 1680. infoL
— Colle61ion of narratives concerning the Cf^'^' ''
Popifli plot, in the reign of K. Charles IL ^'Jf- 9. 9, ,
Lond. i6-j%^c. injol. Ftde Oates.
— Intrigues ofthe Popifti plot, &c. Londi'^C) O /X)
l67^.mfol. JO'/'/6^
— Jeluits aflaffins: or. The Popifti plot fur-f'V-^
ther declared and demonftrated in their Oa'^> /S^
murderous pradices and principles. Lond^ ' ^' ^
1680. infol.
— The Popilh damnable plot againft our ^r-s.
religion and liberties, fairly laid open and ^A. 9./dP
difcovered in the breviats oflxiv. letters r\r\ l^ilGk
and papers of intelligence. ZoW. 1680. ^''^ * ^^^ /
— The Papifts bloody oath of fecrecy, and
letany ot interceffion for the carrying on
of this prefent plot. Lond. 1680. injol.
Popham (Sir John.) Reports and cafes, 77. '^. 2/.
tranilated into Englifli. Lond. id^i. infol,
Popma (Aiifinius.)^ De difterentiis verbofum
libri iv. &; de ufu antiquae locutionis libri
duo, cum Cornelii Frontonis & aliorum
fragmentis ejufdem materiae fubnexis: cu-
rante Bartholomseo Mufculo. Giejfa Haf-
fonim 1618. in%.
— Et cum Cornelii Frontonis aliorumqua
ejufdem materiae fragmentis, ipfius Popmse
fcripto ordine alphabetic© immixtis, per
Hieronymum I'homa?. Giejfa Cattorunt
i6po. tn 8.
Popma (Titus.) De operis fervorum liber* A 0-4^/-^O-^7.
Jmfl. \6yi. in 11. Ai^^^T',, ' /
e^j. 2.
Jmjl. \6yi. in 12.
Poppius (Eduardus.) Epiftola ad Joanneni
Yytenbogardum. Exft. in epiftolis Re-
monftrantium Limborchi.
Porcarius S. Abbas. Epiftolas. Exjl. in bibl.
PP. Lugd. torn. ly. pag. 483. .-n
Porcatius (T'homas.) Carmina duo in Chri- A A.h. Q ^3
ftum crucifixum. ExJi. in deliciis poeta- / /
rum Italorum, torn. 1. pag. 492. ''
Porcellinus (Francifcus.) De duobus fratri-
bus. ExJi. Tr. Tr. torn. 6. part, u foL
— De inventarii confe61ione. Ibid. torn. 8,
part. 1. fol 156.
— Et Exp. inter auftores de beneficio in-*
ventarii. Jug.T^aurin. \6y^. infol.
Porphyrius Philofophus, Malchus di6tus. De
vita Pythagors liber, Gr. Lat. ex verfione
Lucae Holftenii, cum notis Conradi Rit-
terfliufii. ExJi. cum Jamblicho de vita
Pythagorae, edit. Amji. 1707. in 4.
—■ De vita & fcriptis Plotini, Gr. Lat. Mar-
filio Ficino interprete. ExJi. in Fabricii
bibliotheca Graeca, torn. 4. pag. 91.
— Ifagoge; five libellus de quinque pr^e- (7,
dicabilibus, Gr. Lat. ExJi, cum Arifto-
^ S a tele.

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