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Bibliotheccje Facuhatis Juridicce Catalogus, 449
■ s-T
Phereponus (Joannes.) Vide Clericus.
biir^ Philadelphe (Eufche) [on Theodore Beze-I
/ Le reveille matin des Francois & de
f^U.^l leurs voilins ; en forme de dialogues.
----' Ednnbonrg \yrayfemhlablemcnt a Geneve'^
157-4. in 8.
i^rtt^ lidem dialog!, Latine. Ibid. 1574. it 8.
oT/j^ Philadelphus (Hteronymus.) Vide Calder-
—:; 34^ wood (David.)
' " Philadelphus (Irenxtis.) VideMolinseus (Lad.)
Phihhthes (IreN^iis.) VideMolinseus (Lud.)
"^hilanax AngUcus \ or, A caveat for Kings,
Princes and Prelates, how they truft a fort
^^^n ^"i^^ pretended Prottftants: Ihewing from
'TtW ■ ^ the principles of their predecellbrs, that
)(j^'^- 'tis impoffible to be at the fame time Pref-
/ byterians and not rebels. Publifli'd by
Tho. Bellamy. Loud. 1663. in 8. Vide
Molinsus (Petnis.)
?;,/;;^?-iPhilanax (IViUiain.) The fecret hUlory of
'' the Calves head club ^ or, The Republi¬
can unmask'd. Lend. 1705. in 8.
Philaretus Medicus. De pulfuum fcientia,
Latine. jfix/?. inter medicse artis princi-
pes Stephani, torn. 1. fag. 844.
Philargyrius (Juniiis.) Excerpta e commen-
tario ejus ad Bucolica & Georgica Virgi-
lii. Kxji. cum Urlini notis ad Catonem,
&c. pag. 1^1.
Philafterius {Guiliehmis) Cardlnalis S. Marci.
Propofitio de compellendis tribus Pontifi-
cibus, Gregorio, Benedicto, & Ipeciatim
Joanne, ad relinquendum Papatum. Eaji.
in concilio Conllantienli Hermanni von
der Hardt, torn. 1. pag. 205).
'*"— Uberior probatio juris fuffragii a Petro
de AUiaco definiti, non folis nempe Epi-
fcopis, fed & aliis quibufcunque viris eru-
ditis, jus dicendi in concilio elle integrum.
Ibid. pag. iiy.
PhilaftriusBrixienfisE. De hserefibus. Exjf.
in biblioth. PP. Lugd. torn. 4. pag. 701.
/n/ Pliile (Manuel.) De animalium proprietati-
'"n^A bus Iambi, Gr. Lat. ex verfione Gregorii
Berfmanni. £x/?. inter poetaslyrlcos Grae-
cos Ledii, pag^ 210.
-r^C"— lidem, ex prima editione Arfenii & libro
Oxonienli rellituti a Jo. Cornelio Pauw,
cum ejufdem animadverfionibus,& verfio-
xie Latina Greg. Berfmanni. traje^fi ad
Rhenum 1730. m 4.
^—- Supplementa qusedam in priores editlo-
/ nes, ex eodem libro Oxonienfi. JEx/?. in
^ Fabricii biblioth. Graeca, torn. 7. Z*^^-697.
—- Iambi fepulchrales in Pharcafen, jGraJce.
/ . ^Ibid. torn. 10. pag. 541.
.^•2 (V—Verfus ad Spiritum fandlum,Gr.Lat. Fx/?.
in monumentis Cotelerii, torn. 3. pag. 520.
Philipot (^7^07?//^^.^ An hiilorical difcourfa ^" (o,^
of the original and growth of Heraldry^ ^^ ' ^ ,
Lond. 1672. /■// 8.
'PlAi^^i (Joannes.) r/V/t-Philippus.
Philippinus (Jo. Chryfojlomtis.) De privile- \^ j . '2iJt /^
giis ignoranti^ traCtatus Imgularis. Man-* ' LZJ
ttta 1696. infol.
Philipps (Fabian.) Veriias inconctijfa: or, A /'^' '• ^ „
moll certain truth aflerted, that King -<>'6^''v5^'«^v.^
Charles I. was no man of blood, but a
martyr for his people. Together with a
fad and impartial enquiry whether the
King or Parliament began the war. Lond»
1660. in 8.
Philipps (W.) The principles of [Englifli] 77,y. US-
law reduced to pradice. Lond. 1661. in 12, ^
Philippus Aichftadianus iive Eyftettenfis E./^'' /, (^
Vita S. Walpurgis virginis. £x/?. in anti-
quis ledionibus Canilii, torn. 4. pag. 235.
Philippus Bellovacenfis E. Epiftola ad Cse-
leilinum Papam. Eajl. in conciliis Labbei,
torn. 10. col. 1787.
— Donatio ecclefias monachis Lehunenfi-
bus. Exji. in fpicilegio Dacherii, torn. 8.
pag. ip8.
Philippus Burgundiae Dux. Epiflolse duas ad
fynodum Balileenlem. Exfi. in conciliis
Labbei, torn. 12. col. 973. 974.
— Alia ad Carolum VII. Regem Franco-
rum. £x/?. in fpicilegio Dacherii, torn. io«
pag. (i^(i.
Philippus Catalaunenfis E. Diploma mona-
fterio S. Bafoli. £x/?. apud Mabillon. de
re diplomat, pag. 589.
Philippus Flandri^ Conies. Confirmatio le-
gum & confuetudinum Arienfium in Ar-
tefia. £x/^. in fpicilegio Dacherii, torn. 11,
Philippus I. Francorum Rex. Confirmatio
donorum factorum Rotomagenfi ecclelias
B. Audoeni. Ibid. torn. 13. pag. 286.
— Fundatio Abbatiae S.Martini & Wulga-
ni. Ibid. pag. 288.
— Conftitutio, qua jubet bona Epifcoporum
Carnotenfium intadta fervari. Ibid, pag*
-^ Confirmatio feu renovatio privilegii ab-
bati & conventui Cluniacenfi a Ludovico
VI. concefn. Ibid. pag. 300.
— Diplomata iii. Exfi. apud Mabillon. dc
re diplomat, pag. 585. 589. 591- . .
Philippus II. Francorum Rex. Stabilimen-
tum de feodo regni Francorum. Ibid,
toin. 6. pag. 465.
— Stabilimentum crucefignatorum. Ibid^
pag. 466.
— De judicio fa6lo inter Elaneam Comitli-
5 X iani

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