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AtiI| I I ■ —- ■■■■ ' .■■ — I ■ ■ I i I...II1 .■■^■« ■" ■ i " I—l■^■l■■ll■ »■»,■ I.. I——■..I——— ■ _
^92 Bihliotheca Facultatis Juridiae Catalogus:
I 7- ^•
tdus.) Serrtio habitus ad PP. Tridentlnos.
Exji. in conciliis Labbei, to}n. 14. col.
Monck {Captain John.) His voyage to Hud-
fon's Straits in the years 1619 and 1620,
in order to difcover a paflage that way to
the Eaft Indies; tranflated from the High-
Dutch. Exji. in Churchill's colledion of
voyages and travels, vol. i»
Monde. Le Monde naiffant; ou, la creation
du Monde; demonftree par des principes
tres fimples & tres confornies a Thiftoire
•O de Moyfe. Utrecht 1686. tn 8.
3<6Monerius (Martialis.) Epigrammata, ele-
giae, odv^. Exji, in deliciis poetarum Gal-
lorum, torn. 1. pag. 584.
Moneta. Vide Nummus.
— Moneta Viennenlis corrupta. Qusedam
de ea. Exjl. in fpicilegio Dacherii, torn.
/ ^ 13. p^^.^84.
17 '^'^ -— Difcourfe of Money, being an eflay on
^^^ that fubjed hiftorically and politically
handled; with refledions, &:c. Lond.
1696. in 8.
^, ^. ^. Moneta {Joannes Petnis.) Tradktus de con-
fervatoribusjudicibus. Lugdmi 1619. /«4.
Z^;.. 5''"2.^) Monetus (PhiUhertus.) Galliae veteris re-
^/ centifque geographia. Lugduni 1634.
in 11.
Money. Vide Moneta.
Monferrato (Gulielmtis dc.) De fucceffione
"'■ ~ Regum tradatus. Exji. Tr. Tr. torn. 16.
fol. 178.
yior\^\n (F.) Eflais dejurifprudence, en iv.
dialogues. Paris \6y6. in 12.
Mongitor (Antonius.) Regni Siciliae deli-
neatio. £x/?. in Graevii thefauro antiqq.
Sicilise, 'vol. i.
— Sacrae domus manfionis SS. Trinitatis
urbis Panormi monumenta hiftorica. Ibid.
vol. 14.
Moni (Sieur de.) Vide Simon (Ricard.)
Moniardus (Jofephus.) Interpretatio rubricse
C. ut puhlica Ixtitia vel Confulam niineia-
tores. Venetiis 1563. in 8.
}Aon\nus ("Joan. Edqardus.) Carmina. £x/?.
in deliciis poetarum Gallorum, torn. 2. pag.
^^_^q/ Monke ("George) Duke of Albemarle. Ob-
^^■'^-^'^^^^l^ fervations upon military and political af-
4 * fairs. Lond.idyY.infol.
—— * The declaration of the Britifh in the
North of Ireland, with fome queries of
Colonel Monk, and the anfwers of the
Britifh to the queries. 1649. in 8.
^ ' y* ^ ^ Monmouth (James Duke of.) Hiftorical ac-
/ count of his heroick life and magnani¬
mous actions. Lond. 1683. in 8.
Monmouth {Jeffrey of.) Vide Galfridus Mo-
Monnipenny (J.) Abridgment of the Scots
chronicles, with a delcription of the
whole realm of Scotland. Edtnb. 1633.
in 8.
--- The fame. Edinh. 1671. in 8.^^- ySS-
Monnoye (Mr. de la.) Hiftoire de Mr.^^;^
Bayle & de fes ouvrages: edition aug- 1^
mentee. Jmji. 1716. m i'i\mi[6.Z'l'^
Monpenfier. La PrincelTe de Monpenfidr, uni
Roman. Paris i6yi. in iz. /'^oSlkZ
Monro (Alexander.) Anatomy of httman^^!^/^
bones. E^dinb. 1726. in 8. *
-—• The fame enlarged: to which is added, W/'
An anatomical treatife of the nerves; An
account of the reciprocal motions of the
heart; and a defcription of the human la-
deal lal and dud. Edinb. 1733. ^'^ 8*
Monro (Donald) Dean of the Illes. Defcri- p[J,
ption of the Hebrides or Weftern Ifles of
Scotland. MS. in fol.
— Genealogy of the chief clans thereof.^././
Monro (Colonel Robert.) His expedition and ,
obfervations in the wars of Guflavus K-O/^t
dolphusKing of Sweden, &;c. Lond. 1637.
in fol.
Monro (He£for.) Juft meafures of the pious
inftitution of youth, in 2 parts. Edinh, ,,
1701. in 8. ^ ^,11^
Monfon (Sir William.) Naval trads, treat-7; / a
ing of all the a6lions of the Englilh by
Sea under Q^ Elizabeth and K. James I.
The office of the high Admiral and his
inferiour ofRcers: Difcoveries and enter-
prifes of the Spaniards and Portuguefes:
Projeds and ftratagems; and of filh and
filliery. Exfi. in Churchill's colledion of
voyages and travels, vol. 3.
Monftier (Arthurus du.) Neuftriapia; {t}JWjL
de omnibus & fingulis abbatiis & priora-
tibus totius Normanniae. Rothomagi 1663.
in fol.
Monftereul (Sienr de la Chepu'chLe florifte
Francois. Caen 1654. in 8. lu^./O, /Z.
Monftrelet (Eguerran de.) Chroniques de ;|*2
France, depuis Tan i40ojufqu'en 1516:^^
3 tom. I vol. Paris 1603. in fcl.
Mont (J. du.) Corps univerfel diploma-^^
tique; ou, Recueil des traitez d'alliance,^"^
de paix, de treve, &c. qui ont ete faits
en Europe depuis le regne de Charle¬
magne, jufques a Tan 1731 : 8 tom.
IO vol. JmJl.' 1726— 1731. in fol.
Montacutius five Montagu (Richardas) Ci-
celhienlis E. Diatnba upon the firft part

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