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Bibliothecie Facultatis Juridica Catalogus 277
HI .
Examen hifiorictm; or, A difcovefy and
examination of the miftakes, fallities, and
defers in fome modern hiftories; in two
books. Lond. 1659. /» 8. ^
'fjCy Obfervations on Hammond TEftranges
hiftory of the reign of K. Charles. Lond.
1656. in 8.
- Refpondet Petrtis; or, The anfwer to lo
much of Dr. Bernard's book, entituled,
The judgement of the late Primate of Ire¬
land, as he is made a party to, in the
point of the Sabbath. Lond. 1658. /"« 4.
— Appendix, in anfwer to certain palTages
in Mr. Sanderfon s hiftory of K. Charles.
Ibid. pag. 137.
-—- Hiftory of the reformation of the Church
of Englandi Lond. 1661. in fol.
— Cyprianus AngUciis ; or. The hiftory of
'the life and death of William Laud Abp.
ofCanterbury) in two parts. Lond. 166^.
y/o/-^^^ A help to Englifli hiftory, containing a
'^•"'■^ fuccefTion of all the Kings of England
and Wales, and the Kings and Lords ot
Man, and Wight; as allb of all the
Dukes, Marquefies, Earls and Billiops
thereof Lond. 1675. in 8.
, . p^^"— Brief and moderate anfwef to the fedi-
Y 3 tlous and fcandalous challenges of Henry
!^^l{:^(\. Burtonj in his two fermons 5th November
1636, and in the apologie prefixt to them.
Lond. 16^7. in 4.
.25* — Serins redivivtis; or, The hiftory of the
Presbyterians, from 1536 to 1647. Ox-
i ferd 1670. in fol.
L/' — K^ui'Mc/. \K%KMiAciKi.\ or hiftorical and
mifcellaneous tra6ts relating to matters
/ /L fecclefiaftical; with an account of the au-
' thor'slife. loW. 1681. infol.V.ditlitiub'^-
Hey wood (Thomas.) Great Britain's Troy,
a poem. Lond. 1609. in 4.
— England's Elizabeth, her life, and
troubles during her minority. Cambridge
1632. in I a.
Hez-ronita ("fo.) Vide Sionita (Gabriel)
Hibernia. Anale6la de rebus Catholicorurti
in Hibernia. Vide Anale6ta.
— Refpublica & ftatus Hiberniae. £x/?.
cum republica Scotiae, pag. 145. ^
— Hiberniae, five antiquioris Scotiae, vin-
diciae, adverfiis Tho. Dempfterum. Ant^
verpia i6ai. in 8.
*— Hibernienfes canones. ExJ. in Ipicilfe-
gio Dacherii, torn. 9. pag. 1.
t-^ Hickeringill (Edmund.) The black non-
^ . conformift difcovered in a more naked
^ truth. Lond. 1682. in fol.
j / — The tell or tryal of the goodnefs and
, Hi
valufe of fpiricual coufts. Lond. i6^r,a^a^.
in fol. •*
—-The ceremony-monger his chafaaen
Lond. in 4
Mickefms (Georgitis.) Linguaram veterum ?A J\U. /
leptemtnonalium thefaurus grammaticO- // /// ^ ^ J^ 9/
criticus & archaeologicus, 2 vol. Oxonia ^^^ « ^' ^^' ^^'
1705. in fol. /
--Jovian-^ or. An anfwer to Julian theQj2u4: /:><.
apoftate. Lond. 1683. /> 8. =tfe?^.:^
— Difcourfe of the due praife and honour / / "/ / y
of the Virgin Mary. Exjl. Proteftants ^- nA'Jl'ZAAS'<9
gainftPapifts, iW. 8. num. ^. Lond. 16^6.
in 4.
— Apologetical vindication of the Church /X/9 ///^ 7
of England, to thofe who reproach ^ef ^'^
with the Englifh fchifms and hcrefiesi
Ibid. vol. I. tiiim. II. Lond. 1687. ^^ 4*
— Two treatifes, one of the Chriftiari ^ ^ /_ , /
priefthood, the other of the dignity of theT^/^^ l^t.X ^^
Epifcopal order: with a prefatory dif^
courie in anfwer to a book intituled, The
rights cf the Chriftian Church j 0. voL
Land. 1711. />/ 8.
— Conftitution of the Catholick Churchy frtr^^ Lie 3 1
and the nature and confequences of fchilm* '" ^ J^ ^ ■/-
:- 1716. in 8.
Hickman (Henrictis.) Apologia pro mini- i&
ftris in Anglia, vulgo non-conformiftis^ ^:^.,:m^ LL 9 )^
anno 1662, Aug. 24. die Barthohmseo di»-^'*^'''^' / ^
6i:o, ejedlis, adverfus Durellum, & c. £/£■«*
tbetopolij Anno ara Eartholom^a 3^
— Htjioria qiiinqudfticuldris cxarttciilaia; JiJ^^=,J^=ti^ L L a-\
being animadverfions on Dr. Heylin's ^3^^^=£^ iCK-.OlX.i-tk
quinquarticular hiftory. Lond. \(i'j^. in%. /^^
Hierocles Alexandrinus, Platonicus philofo-
phus. Commentarius in aurea carmina
Pythagorae adfcripta: De providentia &
fato quae fuperfunt, & reliqua fragmenta,
Gr. Lat. Graeca cum MSS. collata cafti-
gavit, verfionem recenftiit, notafque &
indicem adjecit Pet. Needham. Cantabri-
gia 1709. in%. .->
— De providentia & fato, cum fragmentis, t-tZ V* *^^*
Gr. Lat. cum prolegomenis To. Pearfonii y / C
Lond. 167 i. in ^. ' ^^-^
— Facetiae, Gr. Lat. Hid. pag. 395.
— Commentarius in aurea Pythagoreorum
carmina, Gr. Lat. Joanne Curterio int©*-
prete, cum notis Merici Cafauboni. Ibid*
^— Idem commentarius, fine notis,Gr.Lat. ,,, ^ yf /J
eodem interprete. Partf. 1583. in 8* jt g ^/ 5a*'
— Les memes comrtientaires trad, en Fran* ' ' ^
^ois par Mr. Dacier. Exjl. en la vie de -y.^^' ^
Pythagore par Dacier, torn. 2. <^^ G7\ /^
— The fame in Englifti. Lond. 1682. in 8. ^P^^^^^M -^•
Hieronymb (Henricus de.) Oratio ad lyno-
■ 4 A dum

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