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Bihliotheca Facultatis Juridic^ Catalogus, 263
2 vol. Lond.
notes by Sollom Emlyn.
1736. infol.
I /4., — Original power and jurifdidion of Par¬
liament, in 2 parts. Lond. 1707. in 8.
—— Contemplations moral and divine, in
" 5^2 parts. Lond. 1711. /» 8.
■ J
, /^ ^ The hiftory of the common law of Eng-
V 2AS land. Lond. 1716. in 8.
/.' jjCn— The analyfis of the law: being afcheme
a n'h ^^ abftraft of the feveral titles and parti-
d.A-Jlj tions of the law of England, digefted in¬
to method. Lond. 1716. i« 8.
Hales (John.) Tra6ls, of the Lord's Sup¬
per, thepower of the keys, offchifm, &c.
Exft. withTindal's fecond defence of his
Rights of the Chriftian Church, pag. 105.
— A brief inquiry touching a better way
to refute Papifts,&c. Eajl. Phenix, vol. 1.
—— A diftoiirfe touchmg the peace and con¬
cord of the Church. Uid. pag. 348.
— Epiftol*. Ex/i. in epiftolis Remonftran-
tium Limborchi.
Hales (John.) Declaration of the fuccef-
fion of the Crowne imperial of Ingland.
Exji. with Bedford's hereditary right of
the Crown of England afierted, pag. 10.
in appendice.
<? q/\^^^^?^^^l (William.) The art of found
i*'*^ building demonftrated in geometricalpro-
, blems. Lond. 172.5. infol. Gv.l.lT^-
Halifax (George Marquis of.) Vide Savil.
^^"LHalicgarius Cameracenlis E. De vitiis &
virtutibus & ordine poenitentium libri v.
priores. Exji. in antiquis leftionibus Ca-
nifii, toin. 1. part. 1. pag. 87.
^ — Libri pocnitentiales. Ihid. pag. 121,132.
-- — De vitiis & virtutibus & ordine poeni¬
tentium libri vi. cum notis Hugonis Me-
nardi. Ex^. in Biblioth. PP. Lugd. torn.
14. pag. 907., .
'. Hall (John.) Of government and obedience,
as they ftand direded and determined by 1
5.3. fcripture and reafon : in 4 books. Lond.
1654. infol.
/- Hall (■jo/tfpi^^ Bp. of Exeter. Epifcopacyby
ky-^l' divine right aflerted. Lond. 1640. in z^.
^Ltr.lO. jj^jj (Thomas.) Chrift's mediation between
God and linners confidered, in 2 fermons.
Exjf. with Hubbard's fermons at Coward's
! lecture, pag. 331.
k 3A/ Halle (Edward.) The union of the fame-
r lies of Lancaftre and Yorke, with all the
adtes done in bothe the tymes of the
princes bothe of the one lineage and of
the other,from the beginningot-^enry IV.
to the death of Henry VIII. Lend, 1548.
Halkrwordius (Joa?mes.) Bibliotheca cu» t^'^'^'^^^M Z. 33
riola. Regiomonti cc brancojtirti 1676. in 4, ^- '
— De hiftoricis Latinis fpicile^ium. Exjf^ //f; i)/iQ ■
cum Mallincroti & aliorum i'upplementis J/
ad Voflium de hiftoricis Grascis & Latinis_,
P^g' 557..
Halley (Edmund.) Abllraa of Mr. Dcd- 21. f. 3^
well's book de cycUs. Exff. with Brokes- ' ^ -
by's life of Dodwell, pag. 610.
Halloix (Petrus.) VitaDionyfii Areopagi-
tae, cum notis. Exd. cum Areopagitas
operibus, torn. 2. pag. 252.
— De ejufdem vita & operibus quseftiones
quatuor. Ibid. pag. 380.
—^ Earundem quieftionum fecunda, five a-
pologia pro operibus S. Dionyfii. Exjf. in
Biblioth. PP. Liigdun. tern. 1. pag. 115.
Haloander (Gregorins.) Vtde jus civile.
Halyburton (Thomas.) The great concern ^,^^^0 /
of falvation, in 3 parts. Edinb. lyii. in 8. ^ cT^- /. e^ Xa<rr>
— Memoirs of his life. Edinh. 1715. in 8. (p,(9(j 'ff. . f ^,f~
Hambden. .Vtdc Tryals. ' '^ ^ "
Hambergerus (Gco. Jib.) De jurejurando
Davidis, ad i Sam. xxv. 22. Exji: in
Menthenii thefauio dillerc. ad vet. Teft.
pag. 444.
Hamconius (Martinus.) Frifia, feu de viris lUX. A- 2
rebufque Frifisc illuftribus libri duo. Mo' ^o
naficrii Wefiph. 1609. in 4.
Hamel (Jacques du.) La police royale fur
les perfonnes & chofes ecclefiaftiques.
Exfl. dans les traitez. des droits & liber-
tez de I'Eglile Gallicane du Puy, pag. 661.
Hamel (Joan. Baptijia du.) Opera philolb- /?j^, (P^.
phica, 2 tom. Norimberga 1681. /'» 4. jO-L—^^/^ /7 1^
— De mente humana libriiv. Parif 1672. mTT^T^^/'//
— Regiae fcientiarum Academiae hiftoria. -^ . (> A\/ctc.l^^ 0. 2^-
Lipfta 1700. in 4. f/--. , -i
Hamelow (Henricus.) Imperatores Romani 0,2
a Julio Caefare ad JoCephum Auguftum, '''
carmine perpetuo delcripti. Amji. 1710.
Hamenfis Abbatia in Artefia. Diploma fun-
dationis ejus per Robertum Flandrenfem
Comitem. Exji. in fpicilegio Dacherii,
tom. 11. pag. 604.
Hamerfl^de (Joannes ab.) Meretrix Baby- fc^
lonica & fponfa Chrilti detedas; ilia in
Romano-pontificia, haec in reformata ec-
clelia. Gorichemi 1664. in 8. n i
Hamilton. A brief account of the family of >/<^- ^, im
Hamilton till the year 1649. ^^^- ^nfol.
Hamilton (Alexander.) New account of the
Eaft Indies, 2 vol. Eld'mb. ijij. in 8. L L / //T
Hamilton (John) Abp. ofSt. Androus. His A^. /4-. lOs
Catechifm. San0 Jndrous i ^^2. in 4. c^-/. GI
U u u 2 Ha-

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