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244- Bibliothecce Facultatis Juridicce Catalogus,
/7 , GO
Cf£f^b'/\ (5 Gon9alez ^Jo<;?«»ejJ de Mendo^a. Hiftoria
llIf de las cofas mas notables, ritos, y co-
llumbres del gran reyno de la China.
Barcelona 1586. m 8.
r-i. / . g Gon(^2.lezCjojephus JntomisJdeSulsiS. Dif-
Z' / ^'// • / ^ fertatio de duplici terra. Lugd. Bat. 16^0.
Cd. U- J. in 4.
— Mantifla ad eandem, ubi exordium ca-
pitis Genefeos ii. & obiter totum caput i.
cum nova animadverlione expenduntur.
Ibidem^ pag. 12,0.
Gonny (Remigius de.) Deimmunitateeccle-
liarum quoad perfonas confugientes ad
eas. Eaji. Tr. Tr. torn. 13. part. i. fol.
— De caritativo fubfidio. Ibid. torn. 15.
part. 1. fol. 169.
^^n)) /C // V GonfalviusCi?f^i?/^/^«j.^InquIfitionisHifpa-
C/o>* O ' ^ , — j^j^gg ^j.jgg aliquot deteftse & palam tra-
/ duilae; cum fpecialibus exemplis artis in-
^^(f) 2^. quifitorise. Heidelberga 1567. in 8.
l^i0-^jL^ Gonzalez f Florez Jofephas.) Variae quaeftio-
'~—^ nes juris. BononiiS i ^y^. in 4.
C A- S Gonzalez Teller (Emanuel.) Commentaria
^' ' perpetua in fingulos textus quinque libro-
rum Decretalium Gregorii, 4 vol. Francof.
ad Mxntim 1690. inf'ol.
Lyt^ Good (John.) Art of Ihadows, or univerfal
y dialling. Lond. ly 11. in S.
C. — The ufe of the feftor. Lond. 1713. /^ 8.
f>^ 1 ^T X nc uicui LUC ic^-iui. s^uiiu. I. / I. ^, tn o.
CO'^'Zf- Goodinge (Thomas.) The lav^^ againft bank-
Ti.t.'X^' rupts. L-^ ^---^ -"^
A/h4^- AA'2>J'S>< °°ricukr confeffion.
rupts. Lond. 1719. in 8.
) Difcourfe concerning
Exfi. Protellants a-
gainll Papifts, i;o/. 13. num. 3. Lond. 1684.
z;? 4.
Goodwin (George.) Automachia^ or the felf-
confli6t of a Chriftian ; tranflated from
the Latin by Jof. Sylvefler. Exfi. with
Sylvefter's tranflation of Du Bartas's
weeks, pag. ^d"^.
Goodwin (John.) Anticavalierifm; or,Truth
pleading as well the neceflity as the law-
ftilnefs of this prefent war ; for the fup-
prefling of that butcherly brood of cava-
liering incendiaries, who are now ham¬
mering England, to make an Ireland ^of
it, &c. Lond. 1643. ^^ 4*
/ ?_.._z3-»-S'~~" '^^^ obllru6lors of juftice, or a defence
—Tf-H [ \S J^~^^ of the honourable fentence pafs'd upon
*^}2^ LijX-^£-J^ ^^ ^^^^ ^"^S ^1 ^^ ^^gh Court of Ju-
/'/ ' ftice. Lond. 1649. ^^ 4*
— Reply to Mr. Geree's treatife, intituled.
Might overcoming right. Ibid. pag. ^().
— Right and might well met; or. An en¬
quiry into the proceedings of the army
under General Fairfax. Lond. 1648. i» 4.
Goodwin (T'homas.) Chiifl the univerfal
peace-maker. Lond. 1651. in 4.
Goodwin (Thomas.) Sermon on the death jfe)/^
of K. William. Edinb. jyo2. in 4. {^^"^
Gordon (Aleaander.) Itinerarium feptentriofuq/^
nale: or, A journey through moft of the-
counties of Scotland, and thofe in the
north of England: in two parts, i. con¬
taining an account of all the monuments
of Roman antiquity found and coUeded
in that journey; 2. an account of the
Daniih invalions on Scotland. Lond. 1726.
in fol.
—— Lives of Pope Alexander VL and hisWJJ^
fon Csefar Borgia. Lond. ly 2^. in fol. ^—H''
— Twenty five plates of mummys, obelisks ^/J;,0
and other ^Egyptian antiquities, with two
eflays towards explaining the hierogly-
phical figures on the coffins of two of the 1
ancient mummys. Lond. 1737. infoL
Gordon (Francis.) Eflay upon predellinati-^^^X^:
on and grace j wherein the honour of God l^
is defended, and the free-will of man
maintained, &c. Edinb. 1712. in 4. g^.^.t.AC
Gordon (James.) The retormed Billiop, c\t^^^^
i^ articles tendered by ptKafyaiQ-, a well-^"^
wilher of the prefent government of \hQ^^j/
church of Scotland (as it is fettled by J '
law) in order to the further eftablilhmenc ^%.')
thereof. ^^19' i^ 8. ' '
— Some obfervations on the fables of jE-
fop, as commented upon by Sir Roger
L'Eflrange. Edinb. 1700. in fol. *%. Z. ^
'— The charafter of a generous Prince, if^JJ^
drawn from the great lines of heroick/
fortitude. Lond. 1703. in 8. •^ • ^- / • /
— Requeil to Roman Catholicks. LondjA^^^M
1687. ^-^ 4. . M-'^i^:lMd^
Gordon (Patrick.) Hiflory of the valiant
Bruce. Dort 1615. in 4. A.^,1.
Gordon (Thomas.) The independent whig,
or a defence of primitive Chrillianity a-
gainfl the exorbitant claims and en¬
croachments of fanatical and difafFe<fted
clergymen, 3 vol. Lond. 1732. in 12.
— Political difcourfes upon Tacitus. £x/f.
prefix'd to his tranflation of Tacitus.
Gordon (William.) Hiftory of the family^.5/>^'
of Gordon, 2 voL. Edmb. 1726. in 8.
Gordonius (Bernardas.) Lilium medicinse, ^ /
de morborum prope omnium curatione.);/
Lugduni 1574. in 4.
— De phlebotomia, confervatione vitae, Sca^S-^
floribus difetarum. Ibid. /^
Gordonius (Francifcus..Marftus.) Praetermif^
fa juris civilis,in quibus legum antiqua &
recepta leclio contra omnium interpretum
emendationes defenditur: difficilliniarum

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