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, I ..—■■■■Il-I.. . I'l I « III I — III - Ill ■ I ■ . ■■ .. — .■ . . .- —— -
I qo Btbliothecie Facultatis Juridiae Catahgus.
— The cafe of the Church of England
briefly and truly ftated in the three fjrft
and fundamental principles of a Chriftian
Church \ by S. P. Lond. 1681. /« 8.
— A new tell of the Church of England's
loyalty; or, Whiggilh loyalty aadChurch
loyalty compared. '^'7^'i- ^^^ 4- »
— An alfertion for true and Chriftian Church
policie : wherein certain objeftions made
againft the planting of Paftors and Elders
in every congregation, are fufficientlie an-
1604. in 8.
/^, li./i, b
An abftrad of certaine ads of Parlia¬
ment ; of certain her Majefties injundions;
of certain canons, conftitutions, andfynods
provincial, eftablifhed and in force forthe
peaceable government of the Church with¬
in her Majeftie's dominions, for the moft
part heretofore unknowen and unpra6ti-
zed : in two treatifes, with an anfwer to
each of them. Lond. 1584. in 4.
— The image of both Churches, Hierufa-
lem and Babel, unitie and confufion, obe¬
dience and fedition; by P. D. M. Tor-
nay 1623. in 8.
Ghurch-revenues. The evil eye plucked out;
or, A difcourfe, proving that Church-re¬
venues cannot be alienated by any fecular
perfons or powers, without a manifeft vi¬
olation of the known fundamental Laws
of this kingdom, and of publick juftice and
common honefty. Lond. 1670. in 8.
Churchill (John) Duke of Marlborough.
His condud during the prefent war; with
) original papers. Lond. 1712. in%.
— Le meme, traduit en Francois. Amji.
\'j\i. in 8.
Churchill (Sit Wtnjlon.) Divi Britannici :
being a remark upon the lives of all the
Kings of this ifle, from the year of the
world. 2855, unto the year of grace 1660.
Lond. 1675. infol.
Chwalkowo Chwalkowski (NkoJaiis dc.J
Regni Poloniae jus publicum : praefigitur
catalogus fcriptorum de rebus Polonicis.
Regiomonti 1684. in 4.
Chytraeus (David.) Vandalise & Saxoniae
AlbertiKrantziicontinuatio,abA.C. 1500,
ubi ille defiit: acceffit Metropolis, feu E-
piicoporum in viginti dioecefibus Saxoniae
catalogus, ufque ad prsefentem annum 1585
dedutta. Wittebergce 1586. in fol.
—- Series philofophorum, & fedae eorum
praecipuae \ a Thalete & Socrate imprimis,
ufque ad Ciceronem dedudse. Exji. in
Gronovii thefauro antiquitatum Graecarum,
■ torn. 10. col. 346.
—: De leftione hiftoriarum re6le inftituenda. •■ ^
Exji. cum Milaeo de fcribenda univerfita-'^^"'^'^^
tis rerum hiftoria, fag. '452. "
— Chronologia hiftoriae Thucydidis. Exjt.
ad calcem Thucydidis editionis Stephanij
anno 1588.
— Hiftoire de la confeffion d'Auxpourg.. ^" • -f ^
Jnvers 1582. in 4. ^f^/l,fy
Ciaconius [yd Ciacconius] (Petnis.) Opu- ^ ./^^
Icula, viz. In columnae roftratae infcriptio-
nem ; de ponderibus ; de menfuris • de
numgiis. Rom^e 1608. in 8.
— In columnae roftratae infcriptionem a fe
conjedura fuppletam explicatio. £x/?.
cum L. Annaeo Floro Graevii, pag. 143.
.— Et in Graevii thefauro antiquitatum R.o-
manarum, torn. 4. col. 1807.
— Notas in vetus Romanorum kalendarium.
Uid. torn. 8. col. 15.
— De triclinio, five de modo convivandi k..
apud prifcos Romanos, &; conviviorum
apparatu; cum appendice Fulvii Urfini &
Hier. Mercurialis. Jmjf. 1664. in 12. -
— Obfervationes in Joannem Caffianum. Exjf. ^. / ^M
cum Cafliani operibus. ^I
Ciaconus (Alfonfus.) Hiftoria utriulque bel- C>.^^
li Dacici a Trajano Gtefare gefti, ex fimu- f
lacris quae in ejufdem columna Romje vi-
funtur colleda. £x/?. cum Fabretti fyn-
tagmate de columna Trajani, pag. 421.
— Eadem. £x/?. cum Trajani columna.
CiafFus [vel CiofFus] (Andreas) de Pifis. De
gerundiis. Exji. Tr. Tr. torn. iS.fol. 273. ,
Ciampinus (Joannes.) Vetera monimenta :
in quibus prajcipue mufiva opera, facrarum ^ '
profanarumque sedium ftrudura, ac non-
nuUi antiqui ritus diflertationibus iconibuf-
que illuftrantur; pars i. Ro}n^ 1690. in fol. //
— Dillertatio hiftorica. An Romanus Pon-/^ j
tifex baculo paftorali utatur. Rovi£ 165)0.
^4- , f
Ciampoli (Giovann't.) Profe. Roma 16^^. J"
in 4.
— Profe nuovamente venute in luce. Ro-J' - 7i
ma 1667. in 8.
Ciarlinius (Joannes Eaptijia.) Controverfiae C'
forenlium judiciorum tripartitae; 3 part.
2 tom. Lugduni 1671. infol. ^ ^
Ciatti (Felice.) Memorie, annali, & iftoriche C
delle cofe di Perugia; 3 part, i tom. ¥e~
nigia 1^38. in 4.
Ciccarellus (Alphonfits.) De Clitumno Uni'
briae flumine celeberrimo opuiculum. £xy1
in Graevii thefauro antiquitatum Italiae.
tom. 9. part. 8.
Cicero (M. Tiillins.) Opera omnia, cum
commentariis Pauli & Aldi Manucciorum,

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