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Biblmhec(e Facultatis Juridica Catalogus. gp
^ B A
^.A/, — Conftantinus Magnus : five Commenta-
-1 / rii de Conllantini Imp. legibus Ecclefia-
'l/' ^ fticis & Civilibus, libri ii. cum prsefatio-
ne Gundlingii, Lipji^ '^I'^l* ^^ 8.
- Commentarius ad Edida veterum Prin-
[^ cipum Romanorum de Chriftianis. Lipfi<£
1727. in 8.
r^^yQ/-— Diflertatio de Minucio Felice. £x/?. cum
/ / Minucio.
— Et in Bibllotheca Patrum Lugdunenfi,
torn, 3. pag. %'^§'^,_
/ /"-—Dehiftorise univerfae inftitutione, cjulque
^■O'/ cum jurisprudentiaconjun6tione, libri duo.
,A.^ Exji' in Wolfii hifloricse artis penu, pag.
// — Ad Jo. Calvinum epiftolsc. Ex/?, cum
Calvini ad eum relponlione, pag. 41.
L6^.2^Baldus (Btrftardinas.) Lexicon Vitruvia-
nuni. ESiJl. cum Vitruvio Laet.
y^3'S)—- Scamilli impares Vitruviani explicati.
^ Ibid, pag, 145.
^.i^Baldus. T/^eUbaldus.
^^5';5^alearick: Iflands. The ancient and modern
Hiftory of them, extrafted from the Spa-
■^ ^ ^ niflx of Juan Dameto and Vincente Mut,
*T^'^' by Colin Campbell. Lond. 1716. in 8.^
■j^k t^.Baleus (Joannes.) Scriptorum illuftrium jna-
_4f-^ jorls Britanniae centuriae quinque. Gip-
pefwici 1548 in 4. —l/a^.'/J A /
Scriptorum illuflrmm majoris Brltanniae
centuriae xivy 2 tom. i Vol. Baftkie 1559.
infol. M C/.:^/.
97— The A6ts of Englilh Votaries. Lond.
F1550. /■« 8.
0-—Les Vies des Evefques & Papes de
Rome, julques d Pie IV. Lyon 1563.
in 12.
3 ^— Eaedem vitae [Latine] cum continuatio-
Li / P^ Martini Lydii. Lugduni Bat. 161 j.
!?»•'-—•«« ^ tn a.
;'Balforeus (Robertus.) Commentaria, in Ari-
•ftotelis opera Logicalia & Ethica. a Vol.
Burdigal^ \6i6. in ^
Vide Cleomedes, Gelafius Cyzicenus.
. i?^5i Balfour (Sir James) of Pettindreich, Clerk
Regifter. Pra6ticks of the Law of Scot¬
land, MS. iftjol.
f /c7 Balfour (Sir j-ames) Lyon King at Arms.
V. General Chronology from the Year 330
to i^6j^ MS. in fol.
^, A^r" Compend of the Hiftory of Scotland
from Fergus I. to King James VI. MS.
z i.~^'-
Annals of the Kings of Scotland from
Malcolm III. to the Year 1641. 2. Vol.
MS. infol.
j—■ Annals and Memoirs of King James I.
and II. MS. in foh
— Memoirs of King James III. IV. V. Q. /V. 4. f% W-
Mary, King James VI. and Charles L
MS. injol ^
—' CoUedion of Papers relating to the Be-<??/ /, /A
ginning of the Troubles in Scotland MS. ' ^ • /^«
/// foJ.
— Some briefMemoirsofChurch and State, /zJ, V, *'5.
for the Years 1635;, 1640 and 1641. MS. /
in 8.
-— Short Memoirs of State from 1649 to /iJ ■ '7- O,
1654. MS. in 8. ^[ iN9^> /
— Diurnal of the fecbnd Parliament of K. ^i/. >^ ^i^
Charles, holderi at Edinburgh July 15th
1641. MS. inj^^ j4*
— Breviarium regiftrorum Monallerioruhi ^ ,
de Cupro in Anegus, Aberbrothock &
Dryburg. MS. in fol
0- Defcription of the Shire of Fife ; with
^ fome Additions by Sir Robert Sibbald.
MS. infol.
"— An Account of the ghat Conftables, /^. Y, ^S,
great Marifchals, great Chamberlains,
and Lords Chief Juftices of Scotland, to
the Reign of King Charles IL MS. infoL
— An Account of all the LL. Chaiicellorsi ^, V 3^*
Thefaurers, Loi-ds Privy-Seal, Regiiler,
Comptrollers, Juftices, Kings Advocates,
and Directors of the Chancery, to thfe
End of the Reign of King Charles L MS.
— Genealogical Account of the noble Fa- /Z. ^. ^S, y^^ \ iZ
milies of Scotland. MS. in fol. f^rcS- G ■ l] ■
— Account of the Bilhopricks and Mona-"//, V ^^i
ftenes in Scotland, and their Founders / *
and Time of Foundation. MS. infold
— A Memorial of the Evidents, Patents, /z) ^ C3
and Rights produced by fundry Earls * * *
!ind Lords before the King's Commiffio-
ners about their Precedency, Anno i6o6»
MS. inpb^ j/f
—■ Hiftorical Notes of the Prices of the
Cunzie in Scotland, and the Ceremonies
ufed at the Baptifm of King James VL
his Children. MS.' in 8.
— Prefent State of the Principality of Scot- /Y y * ?/
land. Anno 1637. MS. infil. '/' '
—- A Treatife ofSimamesin general, but //', V, ^/^,
efpecially thofe of Scotland. MS. in fol. / *• ^
— A fmall Treatife ofNobility. MS. in 12* /?'. /. />^.
— The funeral Ceremonies of Perfbns of^^ V ^3*
Quality in Scotland, from the Year 162 j; /'
to 1637. MS. infol.
— A Catalogue of the Earls, Vifcounts y^^/, jcS^ 3^*
and Barons of Ireland, as they were y "
ranked Anno 1628. with an Account of
their Arms. MS. in 8.
-— An Account of the Kings of Arms, and /v.'/ /A
K 2 He- ^' ^'
M\ y. /a

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