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BibUotheae Facultatis Juridic^e Catalogus. oj
Bacon (Nathanael.) Hiftorical Difcourfe of
the Uniformity of the Government of
England, part i. to the Reign of Ed-
/T/ ^_^ ward III. Land. 1647. ^^^ 4*
Qr/lnj^ ^^— Continuation thereof to the End of the
Reign of Queen Elifabeth; with a Pre¬
face vindicating the ancient Way of Par-
y^ liaments. Lond. 1651. in 4.
CCi^U 'f^— Relation of the fearful Eftate of Francis
Spira. Edinh. 1675. in 8.
Bacon [five Bacconus aut Bachon]] (Rogeri-
us.) Scripta quaedam de arte Chemiae.
Franco/. 1603. in 12.
— Speculum Alchemiae. Exjl. in theatre
chemico Z'etzneri, torn. 2. pag. 377.
— De (ecretis operibus artis & naturae, &
nullitate Magiae. Ibid. torn. 5. pag. 834.
Bacquet (Jefn.) Les Oeuvres. Paris 1664.
"^ in fol. I />. / k^.X-^-
Badius (Jodocus) Afcenfius. Epitomata o-
peris nonaginta dierum Gulielmi de Ock-
ham. Exji. in Monarchia Goidalli, torn. 2.
pag. ^yy. ^ - ^
— Annotationes do6lorum virorum in
4^ 0. ) Crammaticos, Oratores, Poetas, Philofo-
vV«///W;^,^., phos, Theologos, & Leges, jpud ipfiim
Badium Afcenjium. 1511. in fol.
.^,/^'BadveIlus (Claudius.) Annotationes in li-
bros apocryphos. £x/?. in Criticis Sacris,
torn. 6.
Baeda. Vide Beda.
Baelius. Vide Bayle.
^ QU 'Baetius (Gafpar.) De inope debitore. Eaji.
cum Caftagna, pag. 251.
Bagarotus (Dominicus.) De Exceptionibus
dilatoriis & declinatoriis judicii. Exjl.
Tr. Tr. torn. 3. part. 2. fol. 128.
i. — De reprobatione teftium. Ibid. torn. 4.
fol. 298.
Bagata (Raphael.) Praefatio ad fermones S.
Zenonis. Exji. in Bibliotheca patrum
Lugdun. toin. 2. pag.^^6.
!?^'>i^./y Baglivus (Gcorgius.) Opera omnia Medico-
/ pra6tica & Anatomica. Lugduni 1704.
*KU. V^^'^_t. in 4.
Baillet (Adrien.) Jugemens des S^avans fur
,^" /• les principaux Ouvrages des Auteurs, 4
tomes, 9 Vol. Raris 1685. in 12.
Des Enfans devenus celebres par leurs
, etudes, ou par leurs ecrites. Traite hifto-
rique. Raris 1688. in ii-x^lJiJ^/i.
'^3f^p- I^es fatyres perfoncUes,'' Traite hiilori-
SJlQ ' Jo .que & critique de celles qui portent le
-^ titre d'Anti, 2 torn. Raris 1689. in 12.
Q/,S^3f7i— Auteurs deguifex fous des noms etran-
-/^. gers, empruntez, fuppofez, feints a plai-
chiftrez, renverfez, tetournez, ou
. /. /. /^.'
changez d'une langue en une antre:
[fuite & dernier tome des Jugemens des
S^avans.] Paris 1690. in 12. /?
Bailley (N.) Spelling Book. Lond. 1726. CC-h-Of
in 8.
Baillie (Alexander.) A true Information of ^j ifi Oi^
the unhallowed Offspring, Progrefs, and
impoifon'd Fruits of our Scottifh-Calvi-
nian Gofpel and Gofpellers j wherein the
chief Heads of Religion now controvert¬
ed ase difcufled. Wtrtsbmgh^ 1628. in 8»
Baillius (Gulielmus.) Accentuum Graeco-
rum ratio j & de quantitate Syllabarum
Gr^carum. Exft. cum Grammatica Grae-
caScoti, pag.'jys^
BaiUius (Robertas.) Opus hiftoricum 8c
Chronologicum, in quo hilloria facra 8c
profana compendiose deducitur ex ipfia
tbncibus, a creatione mundi ad Conltanti-*
num Magnum. Awfl. 1668. in fol.
— Diatribje tres. i. De Haereticorum au-
tocatacrifi. 2. An quicquid in Deo eft,
Deus fit. 3. De Pr^deilinatione. Ibi^,
part. 2. pag. ^^, •
—^ A Diffwafive from the Errors of the /; 0>(^/l
Times \ efpecially of the IndependentS6
Lond. 1645. in 4.
— Ladenfium Autocatacrifis, the Canter- A^_^~-^:^
burian's Self-convi(iHon \ or a Demon- ^--^^^""^^^
ftration of the Arminianifm, Popery and €/
Tyranny of that Faftion; with a Poll- ^'^' '•
fcript for the perfonate Jeliiite Lyfima-
chus Nicanor, a prime Canterburian —-
1641. in 4.
— A Parallel of the Liturgy with the Mafs- aZZ-v^j-t^
Book, the Breviary, and other Roraifli ^h7~7^
Rituals. Lond. 1642. in 4. ^^^'' ^" ^"'
— Two Sermons, I. on Ifai. Ixiii. 17. IL /ai=^=f=^^
on Zech. iii. i, 2. Lond^ 1643 ^"^ i^4i» ^^/. ^- ^0 ,
in 4.
— Review of Dr. Bramble's fair Warning // ^
aigainft the Scottilh Difcipline. Delf 1649. IJjl-' I
in 4.
Baily (Caleb.) Life of Jefus, coUefted in h,h/ ■
the Words of the Engliih Verfion of the ^
New Teftament. Lond. 1726. in 8.
Bainbridgius (Joannes.) Vide Smithus.
Baird (Sir John) of Newbyth. Pra61iques, /f. f?. Qf^
or Decifions of the Lords of Council and
Sefiion from 1664 to 1667. MS. in fol.
— Praftiques from 1664 to 1681. alpha- //, «3, C^/'
betically digefted. MS. in fol.
— Appendix thereto, from November 1689 //. «' 5, {^/.
to Auguft 1690. Exfi. with Nisbet's De¬
cifions. MS.
Bairdy (John.) Balm from Gilead ; or the /? /)
Differences about the Indulgence flated .yy
K and c^^'

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