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its Divine and Civil USES.
The Att of Heaven, the order of this Frame,
Is only Msjlck in another Name.
And as fome King, conqu'ring what was his own,
Hath choice of feveral Titles to his Crown j
So Harmony on thisfcore now, that then,
Yet ftill is all that takes and governs Men.
Beauty is but Compofure, and we find
Content is but the Concord of the Mind ; '
Friendship th&Unt'Jon of well-tun' d Hearts ;
Honour's the Chorw of the Nobleft Parts :
And all the World, on which we can refleft,
Mufick to th' Ear, or to the Intellect.
Nor hatbthereyet been Any Reafon given ofthatfym-
pathy in Sounds, that the Strings of a Viol being ft ruck }
and another Viol laid at a d fiance, and tuned in concur,
dance to it, the fame Strings thereof Jhould found and
move in ajympathy with the other ,t ho' not touched : Nor
that the Sound of a Sackbut or Trumpet fhould,by a
Jhonger emijjion of Breath, skip from Concord to Con.
cord, be fore you can force it into any gradation of Tones
or Notes. Ath. Kercherus, a Learned Writer, report s t
That in Calabria, and other Parts of Italy, there is a
poifonous Spider called t he Ta? antula,^ which fuch as
are bitten fall into a frenzy of Madnefi and Laughter*
to allay the immoderate PaJJion thereof, Mufick is the
fpeedy Remedy and Cure , for which they have folemn
Songs and Tunes.
Thefirfi and chief Ufe of Mufick is for the Service
and Praife of God, whofe Gift it is. Thefecond Ufe is
for the Solace of Men, which as it is agreeable unto Na-
1ure, fo it is aHoived by God, as a temporal Ble/Jing to re-
create and cheer Men after long ftudy and weary labour
in their Vocations. Eccl.40. 2 o. Wine and Mufick re-
joy ce the Heart : as the Fbihfofher adviJtth,Muf]ca.
Medicina eft moleftia: iiiius per labores fujeipitur.

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