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(53) Page 51 -
Peach. Ladies, I'll take care the Reckoning fhall be difcharg'd.
[Exit Macheath* guarded zuitb Pcachum and Corjlablcs.
The IVomcn remain.
Vix. Look ye, Mrs. Jenny, though Mr. Peachum may have
made a private Bargain With you and Suky Tawdry for betraying
the Captain, as we were all affifting, we ought all to (hare alike.
Coax. I think Mr. Peachum, after fo long an Acquaintance,
might have trufted me as well as 'Jenny DSver.
Slam. I am fure at lead three Men of his hanging, and in a
Year's time too, (if he did me Juftice) mould be fet down to
my Account.
Trull. Mrs. Slammekin s that is not fair. For you know one
df them was taken in Bed with me.
Jenny. As far as a Bowl of Punch or a Treat, I believe
Mrs. Suky will join with me. »As for any thing elie, Ladies,
you cannot in Confcience expecl it.
Slam. Dear Madam
Trull. I would not for the World-
Slam. 'Tis impoffible for me-
Trull. As I hope to be fav'd, A4adam - ■■
Slam. Nay, then I muft ftay here all Night ■
Trull. Since you command me. [Exe. uitb great Ceremony.
SCENE VII. Newgate.
Lockit, Turnkeys, Macheath, Cirjlables.
Lock. Noble Captain, you are welcome. You ha*e not been a
Lodger of mine* this Year and half. You know the Cuftom, Sir.
Garnifli, Captain, Garnifh. Hand me down thofe Fetters there.-
Math. Thofe, Mr. Lockit, feem to be the heavieft of the whole
Set. With your Leave, I mould like the further Pair better.
Lick. Look ye, Captain, we know what is fitted for ourPri-
loners. When a Gentleman ufes me with Civility, I always do
the beft I can to pleafe him.-— — Hand them down I fay. -We
have them of all Prices, from one Guinea to ten, and 'tis fitting
every Gentleman fhould pleafe himlel-f,
D 2 Mach.

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