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(85) Page 174 - To me what are riches encumbred with care

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(85) Page 174 - To me what are riches encumbred with care
-' 7 **<&
Tune,' Here's a Health to my true love, 8Cc^
Let rakes in a paramour's love acfyuiefce,
Or jealoufies ftifle, in noify . excefs.
Such pleafures I court as my foul can review,
Nor tumults attend, nor compunctions purfue.
Their perfonal graces let fops idolize,
Whofe life is but death in a fplendid difguife; ,
But foon the pale tyrant his right fhall reuime,
And all their falfe lufture be hid in~the tomb.
Let the meteor difcovery attract the fond fage,
In fruitlefs refearches for life to engage.
Content with my portion the reft I r forgo,
Nor labour to. gain difappointmeflt and woe.
Contemptibly fond, of contemptible felf, •
While mifers their wifhes concenter in pelf.
Let the godlike delight of imparting be mine;
Enjoyment reflected r \is pleafure divine .
Exterifive dominion and abfolute .power.
May tickle ambition perhaps for an hour.
But power in poffeffion, foon lofes. its charms,
While confcience remonftrates. and terror alarms .
With vigour, O teach" me^ kind heaven, to fuftaih,
Thofe ills which in life to be fuffer'd remain;
And, when 'tis allowcl me the goal to defcry,
For my fpecies* I liv'd, for my felf let me die.

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