Project Blaster

1. What am I going to do?

Space girl
What do I Like doing? What are our goals? What's out there? What is the curriculum?
  • What do I Like doing?
  • What are our goals?
  • What's out there?
  • What is the curriculum?

Deciding on your project and goal

View transcript (PDF download - 280kb)

To get started, you need to decide on the topic of your project as a class. Use the discussion activity in this stage to prompt pupils to share their ideas and preferences with each other and explain why they have been chosen.

As a class, you will also set the goal of the project. There is a checklist here that will help you decide on the topic of your project and help you decide on your goals.


  1. 1

    Class Discussion - What are you going to do?

    To get started, you need to decide on the topic of your project. Share your ideas and preferences with each other and explain why you have chosen them. Try to find ways of coming up with a topic that will allow everyone to do something that interests them. For instance, if your topic was the First World War it could include soldiers, doctors, horses and music. Perhaps you could take a vote to decide on your topic.

    Your project also needs a goal. You could use what you have learned to produce a piece of writing, an illustration, an object, an experiment, some music, a performance, a film ... or a combination of these. Everyone should be involved in deciding your topic and your goals, with guidance from your teacher.

  2. 2

    Download a checklist to help you decide (PDF download - 640kb)