William Dunbar: The Golden Targe   (Page 9 of 12)

First Scottish book image

(p.97Quhen venus had persauit this rebutete
Dissymilance scho bad go mak persute
At all powere to perse the goldyn targe
And scho that was of doubilnes the rute
Askit hir choise of archeris in refute
Wenus the best bad hir go wale at large
Scho tuke presence plicht ankers of the barge
And fair callyng that wele a flayn coud schute
And cherising for to complete hir charge

Dame hamelynes scho tuke in company
That hardy was and hende in archery
And broucht dame beautee to the felde agayn
With all the choise of venus cheualry
Thay come and bikkerit vnabaisitly
The schour of arowis rappit on as rayn
Perilouse presence that mony syre has slayn
The bataill broucht on bordour hard vs by
The salt was all the sarar suth to sayn

Thik was the schote of grundyn dartis kene
Bot resoun with the scheld of gold so schene
Warly defendit quho so ewir assayes
The aufull stoure he manly did sustene
Quhilk presence kest a pulder in his ene
And than as drunkyn man he all forvayit
Quhen he was blynd the fule wyth hym thay playit
And banyst hym amang the bewis grene
That sory sicht me sudaynly affrayit

Than was I woundit to the deth wele nere
And yoldyn as a wofull prisonnere
To lady beautee in a moment space