Eglamour with Balade   (Page 31 of 36)

First Scottish book image

(p.83) He sayde quhat ayllis the lady clere
Quhy wepis thou & makis syk chere
It semys thou has forthoght
Sir in thi armys a foul I se
That sum tyme bare away fra me
A chylde full dere I boght
In a skarlat mantill wondyn
With a goldyn gyrdill boundyn
That richely was wroght
The kyng of israel sayde be goddis myght
In my forest couthe he lyght
A grype to lande hym broght
He comaundyt a squyer yt was heynde
Efter the gyrdill for to wende
The coffyr it was in layt
Fourthe he broght tham full rathe
The mantill & the gyrdill bathe
That richely war grathit
Allace sayde the lady fre
Thir war reft me on the see
In swonyng than scho braide
How lang tyme the kyng can say
xv. yhere per me fay
Thai sentit till all scho sayde
Quod degrebell with outyn bade
Ane ouyre syb maryage haf we made
In the spryng of may
The kyng sayde sa gode me saffe
Will scho ony of my Erllis haffe
He ansueryt hym full sone
Lorde I halde yhour Erllis gude