Golagrus and Gawain with John Lydgate: Rhyme without Accord   (Page 40 of 46)

First Scottish book image

(p.46) yone riche cummis arait in riche robbing
I trow this deuore be done I dout for na deir
I wait schir gawane ye gay has graithit this gait
Betuix schir gologras and he
Gude contenance I se      Lufsum of laitit
And vthir knightis so fre

The renk raikit to ye roy with his riche rout
Sexty schalkis yt schene seymly to schaw
Of banrenttis and baronis bauld hym about
In clathis of cleyne gold cumly to knaw
To yt lordly on loft yt lufly can lout
Before yt riale renkis richest on raw
Salust ye bauld berne with ane blith wout
Ane furlenth before his folk on feildis so favv
The king crochit vvith croune cumly and cleir
Tuke him vp by the hand
With ane fair sembland       Did to ye deir
Grete honour yt auenand

Than yt seymly be sight said to ye gent
Wes vailyeand and verteous foroutin ony vice
Heir am I cumyn at this tyme to your present
As to ye vvourschipfullest in vvarld wourthy and wise
Of al yt ryngis in erd richest of rent
Of pyth and of proues peirles of prise
Heir I mak yovv ane grant vvith gudly entent
Ay to your presence to persevv vvith al my seruice
Quhare euer ye found or fair be firth or be fell
I sal be reddy at your vvill
In alkin resoune and skill       Treuly to tell
As I am haldin thair till