A Gest of Robin Hood (pp.197-220 in the volume)   (Page 7 of 24)

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(p.203) But my chyldren and my wyfe
God had shaped such an ende
Tylle god yt may amende
In what maner than sayde robyn
Hast thou lorne thy rychesse
For my greate foly he sayde
And for my kyndnesse.
I had a sone forsoth robyn
That shulde hau ben myn ayre
Whanne he was twenty wynter olde.
In felde wolde iust fulle fayre
He slewe a knyght of lancaster
And a squyer bolde
For to saue hym in his ryght
My godes both sette and solde
My londes both sette to wedde robyn
Vntylle a certayn day.
To a ryche abbot here besyde.
Of seynt mari abbey
What is the som sayde robyn
Trouth than telle thou me.
Sir he sayde foure hundred pounde
The abbot tolde it to me.
Nowe & thou lese they lond sayde Robyn.
What wolle falle of the
Hastely I wol me buske sayd the knyght
Ouer the salte see
And se where criste was quyke and dede.
On the mount of Caluere.
Fare wel frende and haue gode day
It ma no better be
Teris felle out of hys iyen two: