A Gest of Robin Hood (pp.197-220 in the volume)   (Page 4 of 24)

First Scottish book image

(p.200) My bretherne alle in fere
My purpos was to haue dyned today
At blith or Dancastere
Furth than went this gentyl knight
With a carefulle chere.
The teris oute of his iyen ran.
And felle downe by his lere
They brought hym to the lodge dore
Whan Robyn hym gan see.
Full curtesly dyd of his hode
And sette hym on his knee
Welcome sir knyght than sayde Robyn.
Welcome art thou to me.
I haue abyden you fastinge sir
Alle these ouris thre
Than answered the gentylle knight
With wordes fayre and fre.
God the saue goode Robyn
And all thy fayre meyne
They wasshed togeder and wyped bothe.
And sette to theyr dynere
Brede and wyne they had right ynought.
And noumbles of the dere
Swannes & fessauntes they had full gode.
And foules of the ryuere
There fayled none so litelle a birde.
That euer was bred on bryre
Do gladly sir knight sayde Robyn