The Porteous of Nobleness   (Page 2 of 6)

First Scottish book image

ny men / for honeste is requirit to keip in saif gard thame
that takis compt and keip of othir mennis guyding. O
nobill man be clenelines of person plesand & fair hauyng
thay keip tham fra filth yt takis keip to all othir men.

The tent vertu in ane nobill man is larges

LArges in all caice is sa curtase and avenand that
it plesis to it self and proffittis all otheris for it
is the rent of honour quhairof the ane wynnis profit
the othir mereite It proffitis ye takar and delitis ye gif=
fer And amendis and settis thame baith in right thair
Is na thing tynt yt larges dispendis for he dispendis all
his gudis be wisedom And to larges all way gudis cum
is and aboundis bot ye prodigal man spendand without
mesure & prouision waistis and destroyis larges than yt
profitis and ekis hym self and plesis & contentis all otheris
as ye techer of all vertuis in this warlde The reward
takin oblisis the taker and acquitis ye giffer of his gret
bounte Thing thairfor giffin is bettir than all ye laif
for gudis hid reportis bot litill thanke ioy or pleseir And
auarice is waryit & haldyn abhominable be sa mekill yt
scho closis hir hand and giffis to na man And it cummis
oftymes to ye auaricius that ane othir spendis and puttis
to the wynd ye gudis that he gaderit with gret trouble
and pane And gif thair cumis to hym wexation werre or
trouble thar is na man yt comptis or settis therby suppois
it confund hym bot larges gettis all tyme frendis and
help yt is the techar of all vertu in this warlde Heirfor
ane fre liberal hert quharin nobilnes inhabitis sulde
noght be scars & haldand bot blithar and mair iocund to
gif than to tak / for larges releuis and succuris a man