William Dunbar: The Tua Mariit Wemen and the Wedo (pp.177-188 in the volume) with William Dunbar: Lament for the Makars (pp.189-191 in the volume) with William Dunbar: Kynd Kittok (p.192 in the volume) with William Dunbar: The Testament of Mr Andro Kennedy (pp.193-196 in the volume)   (Page 20 of 20)

First Scottish book image

(p.196) Berand a barell one a styng.
Drynkand and playand cop out evin.
Sicut egomet solebam.
Singand and gretand with hie Stevin.
Potum meum cum fletu missebam.
I will na preistis for me sing.
Dies illa dies ire
Na zit na bellis for me ring:
Sicut semper solet fieri
Bot a bag pipe to play a spryng
Et vnum ail wosp ante me
In stayd of baneris for to bring.
Quatuor lagenas ceruisie
within ye graif to set sic thing.
In modum crucis iuxta me.
To fle ye fendis yan hardely sing
De terra plasmasti me
