William Dunbar: The Tua Mariit Wemen and the Wedo (pp.177-188 in the volume) with William Dunbar: Lament for the Makars (pp.189-191 in the volume) with William Dunbar: Kynd Kittok (p.192 in the volume) with William Dunbar: The Testament of Mr Andro Kennedy (pp.193-196 in the volume)   (Page 14 of 20)

First Scottish book image

(p.190) Timor mortis conturbat me
He takis ye campion in ye stour
The capitane closit in ye tour.
The lady in bour full of bewte.
Timor mortis &c. .
He sparis no lord for his piscence
Na clerk for his intelligence
his awfull strak may no man fle
Timor &c.
Art magicianis and astrologgis
Rethoris logicianis et theologgis
Thame helpis no conclusionis sle
Timor mortis &c.
In medicyne the most practicianis.
Lechis surrigianis et phisicianis
Thame self fra ded may not supple
I se that makaris amang ye laif
Playis heir yer pageant syne gois to graif
Sparit is nought yer faculte
Timor &c.
He has done petuously devour
The noble chaucer of makaris flour
The monk of bery et gower all thre
Timor &c.
the gud syr hew of eglintoun
Et eik heryot et wyntoun.
He has tane out of yis cuntre
Timor mortis conturbat me
that scorpion fell has done infek
Maister iohne clerk et iames afflek
Fra balat making et trigide
Timor mortis conturbat me
Holland et barbour he has berevit
Allace that he nought with ws lewit