William Dunbar: The Tua Mariit Wemen and the Wedo (pp.177-188 in the volume) with William Dunbar: Lament for the Makars (pp.189-191 in the volume) with William Dunbar: Kynd Kittok (p.192 in the volume) with William Dunbar: The Testament of Mr Andro Kennedy (pp.193-196 in the volume)   (Page 12 of 20)

First Scottish book image

(p.188) Bot with my fair calling i comfort yaim all.
For he that sittis me nixt i nip on his finger
I serf him on ye toyir syde on ye samin fasson.
And he that be hind me i hard on him lene.
And him befor with my fut fast on his i stramp
And to ye bernis far but sueit blenkis i cast
To euery man in speciall speke i sum wordis
So wisly and so womanly quhill warmys yer hertis
Thar is no liffand leid so law of degre
that sall me luf vnluffit i am so loik hertit
And gif his lust so be lent in to my lyre quhit
That he be lost or with me lak his lif sall not danger.
I am so mercifull in mynd et menys all wichtis
My sely saull salbe saif quhen sa bot all iugis
Lladyis leir yir lessonis et be no lassis fundin
This is ye legeand of my lif yought latyne it be nane.
Quhen endit had hir ornat speche yis eloquent wedow
Llowd yai lewch all ye laif et loffit hir mekle
And said yai suld exampill tak of her souerane teching
And wirk efter hir wordis that woman wes so prudent
than culit yai yer mouthis with confortable drinkis
And carpit full cummerlik with cop going round.
Thus draif yai our that deir nyght with danceis full noble
Quhill that ye day did vp daw et dew donkit flouris
The morow myld wes et meik ye mavis did sing
And all remuffit ye myst et ye meid smellit.
Siluer schouris doune schuke as ye schene cristall
And berdis shoutit in schaw with yer scill notis.
The goldin glitterand gleme so gladit yer hertis
Thai maid a glorius gle amang ye grene bewis
The soft sowch of ye swyr et sovne of ye stremys
The sueit sawour of ye sward singing of foulis
Myght confort ony creatur of ye kyn of adam
And kindill agane his curage yoght it wer cald sloknyt.
Than rais yer ryall rosis in yer riche wedis