William Dunbar: The Tua Mariit Wemen and the Wedo (pp.177-188 in the volume) with William Dunbar: Lament for the Makars (pp.189-191 in the volume) with William Dunbar: Kynd Kittok (p.192 in the volume) with William Dunbar: The Testament of Mr Andro Kennedy (pp.193-196 in the volume)   (Page 5 of 20)

First Scottish book image

(p.181) Bot all ye pertlyar in plane yai put out ther vocis
Than said ye weido I vis ther is no way oyir.
Now tydis me for to talk my taill it is nixt
God my spreit now inspir et my speche quykkin
And send me sentence to say substantious et noble.
Sa yat my preching may pers your perverst hertis
And mak yow mekar to men in maneris et conditiounis
I schavv zow sisteris in schrift I wes a schrew euir
bot i wes schene in my schrowd et schew me innocent
And yought i dour wes et dane dispitois et bald
I wes dissymblit suttelly in a sanctis liknes
I semyt sober and sueit et sempill without fraud
Bot i couth sexty dissaif that suttillar wer haldin
Vvnto my lesson ze lyth et leir at me wit
Gif yov nought list be forleit with losingeris vntrew.
be constant in zour gouernance et counterfeit gud maneris.
yought ze be kene inconstant et cruell of mynd
yought ze as tygris be terne be tretable in luf
And be as turtoris in your talk yought ze haif talis brukill.
Be dragonis baitht and dowis ay in double forme
And quhen it nedis zow onone note baith ther stranthis
Be amyable with humble face as angellis apperand
And with a terrebill tail be stangand as edderis
Be of zour luke like innocentis yoght ze haif euill myndis.
Be courtly ay in clething et costly arrayit
That hurtis zow nought worth a hen zowr husband pays for all.
Twa husbandis haif i had yai held me baith deir.
Thought i dispytit yaim agane yai spyt it na thing.
Ane wes ane hair hogeart that hostit out flewme
I hatit him like a hund thought i it hid preue.
with kissing et with clapping i gert ye carill fone
Vveil couth i keyth his cruke bak & kemm his kewt noddill.
And with a bukky in my cheik bo on him behind
And with a bek gang about et bler his ald e
And with a kyind contynance kys his crynd chekis.