William Dunbar: The Ballade of Lord Bernard Stewart   (Page 6 of 8)

First Scottish book image

(p.174) Hie furius mars the god Armipotent
Rong in the hevin at thyne natiuite
Saturnus doune withe fyry eyn did blent
Throw bludy visar men manasing to gar de
On the fresche Wenus keist hir amourouse E
On the Marcurius furtheyet his eloquence
Fortuna maior did turn hir face on the
Wyth glorie and honour lawde and reuerence

Prynce of fredom And flour of gentilnes
Sweyrd of knightheid and choise of cheualry
This tyme I lefe for grete prolixitnes
To tell quhat feildis thow wan in pikkardy
In france in bertan in naplis and lumbardy
As I think eftir withe all my diligence
Or thow departe / at lenthe for to discry
With glorie and honour lawd and reuerence

B in thi name betaknis batalrus
A abl_ in feild R right renoune most hie
N nobilnes and A for aunterus.
R ryall blude for dughtines is D
W valyeantnes S for strenewite
Quhoise knyghtli name so schynyng in clemence
For wourthines in gold suld writtin be
With glorie and honour lawd and reuerence