Robert Henryson: Orpheus and Eurydice with Robert Henryson: The Want of Wise Men   (Page 18 of 20)

First Scottish book image

(p.166) Oure appetite as It before was slayn
In warldly lust and sensualitee
And makis resoun wedow for to be
Now pray we god sen oure affectioun
Is alway prompt & redy to fall doune
That he walde help vs wyth his haly hande
Of maneteinance / and geve vs grace to stande
In perfyte lufe / as he is glorius.
And thus endis the tale of Orpheus.

ME ferlyis of this grete confusioun
I wald sum clerk of connyng walde declerde
Quhat gerris this warld be turnyt vp so doune.
Thare is na faithfull fastnes founde in erde
Now ar noucht thre may traistly trow the ferde
Welth is away and wit is worthin wrynkis
Now sele is sorow / this is a wofull werde
Sen want of wyse men makis fulis to sit on binkis

That tyme quhen levit the king Saturnus
For gudely gouuernance this warld was goldin calde.
For vntreuth we wate noucht quhare to it turnis
The tyme that Octouiane the monarch coud halde
Our all was pes wele set as hertis walde.
Than regnyt reule & resoun held his rynkis.
Now lakkis prudence nobilitee is thralde.
Sen want of wyse men makis fulis to sitt on bynkis.

Arestotill for his moralitee
Austyn or ambrose for dyvine scripture
Quha can placebo & noucht half dirige
That practik for to pike & pill the pure
He sall cum in & thay stand at the dure