William Dunbar: The Flyting of Dunbar and Kennedy with Robert Henryson: The Praise of Age with Device, Prowess and eke Humility   (Page 7 of 12)

First Scottish book image

(p.143) Wndought thou art ordanyt to not ellis
Thy cloutit cloke thy skryp & thy clamschellis
Cleke on thy cors / and fare on. in to france
And cum thou newir agayn but a mischanche
The fend fare wyth the forthwarde our the fellis.
Cankrit Caym tryit trowane tutiuillus
Marmaidyn mymerken monstir of all men
I sall ger bake the to the lard of hill house
To suelly the in stede of a pullit hen
Fowmert fasert / fostirit in filth and fen
Foule fond flend fule apon thy phisnom fy
Thy dok of dirt drepis & will newir dry
To tume thy tone it has tyrit carlingis ten
Conspiratour cursit cocatrice. hell caa
Turk trumpour / traitour / tyran intemperate.
Thou irefull attircop pilate apostata
Iudas iow iuglour lollard laureate
Sarazene / symonyte / provit pagane pronunciate
Machomete manesuorne: bugrist abhominabile
Deuill dampnit dog sodomyte insatiable
With gog and magog grete glorificate
Nero thy nevow. golyas thy grantsire
Pharao thy fader egipya thy dame
Deulbere thir ar the causis that i conspire
Termygantis tempise the / et waspasius thine eme
Belzebub thy full brothir will clame
To be thyne air and Cayphas thy sectour
Pluto thy hede of kyn and protectour
To hell to lede the. on lyt day and leme
Herode thyne othir Eme and grete Egeas
Marciane / machomete / and maxencius
Thy trew kynnismen Antenor et Eneas