William Dunbar: The Flyting of Dunbar and Kennedy with Robert Henryson: The Praise of Age with Device, Prowess and eke Humility   (Page 2 of 12)

First Scottish book image

(p.138) And scota it causit to multiply & spredee
Quhill corspatrik that we of tresoun rede.
Thy forefader maid irisch & irisch men thin
Throu his tresoun broght inglise rumplis in
Sa wald thy self myt thou to him succede
Ignorant / fule in to thy mowis & mokis
It may be verifyit that thy wit is thin
Quhare thou writis densmen dryit apon the rattis
Densmen of denmark ar of the kingis kyn
The wit thou suld haue had. was castin in
Evyn at thyne ers bakwart wyth a staf slong
Herefore false harlot hursone hald thy tong
Deulbere thou devis the deuill thyne eme wyth dyn.
Quhare as thou said yt I stall hennis & lammys
I latt the witt I haue land store & stakkis
Thou wald be fayn to gnaw lad wyth thy gammys
Wnder my burd smoch banis behynd doggis bakkis
Thou has a tome purs. I haue stedis & takkis
Thou tynt cultur I haue cultur & pleuch
Substance and gere thou has a wedy teuch
On mount falcon_ about thy crag to rax
And yit mount falcon_ gallowis is our fair
For to be fylde wyth sik a fruteles face
Cum hame and hyng on oure gallowis of aire
To erd the vnder it I sall purchas grace
To ete thy flesch. the doggis sall haue na space
The ravyns sall ryve na thing bot thy tong rutis
For thou sik malice of thy maister mutis
It is wele sett yt thou sik barat brace
Small fynance / amang thy frendis thou beggit
To stanch the storme wyth haly muldis thou loste
Thou sailit to get a dowcare for to dreg it