De regimine principum bonum consilium   (Page 7 of 8)

First Scottish book image

(p.107)The maneris ar of iugis generall
First to yi god sine to yi awin persone
To god yow hald yi hart et consciens haill
As to yi self and not to exceid resone
Syne to do law to pepl_ in to commoun_
For first yow suld yam schaw a gud myrrour.
For peple oft followis ye tred of ye pastour

Quhat thank cunnis god ye for to iustefy
The puer commonis yt yow hes in to cuir
And syne yi self to leif maist wranguisly
Doand na resion to na creatur
traist weil sic lordschip may not lang endur
Wald yow tak tent vnto thir ald storiis
How mony princis ar punist one yis wyse

Gud iustice has ii partyes principale
the tane is dome et ryttuise iugement
The toyir is to mak ye scathis haill
Eftir ye dome ye partiis to content
And ther of mak yaim sikir incontinent
Eftir ye term_ of law aluterly
Or ellis ye iuge is detour werraly

Quhat walis a man yi rightuis iugement
Wyth wryt et walx confermyt as efferis
And syne ye partis newir to be content
Bot drychit et delayit fra yer to yeris
Trowis yow not god & hieast hevin them heris
Cryand wengeance for falt of liffis fude
Of ye et them yat revis yam ther gude