De regimine principum bonum consilium   (Page 2 of 8)

First Scottish book image

(p.102) For sic men as you deputis vnder ye
Quheder yai be fulis wekit men or wise
All men will traist ye sic like mone you be
As you committis to gouerne thy office
Hou suld a man but knawlege keip iustice
Or but wisdom_ to be a gouernoure
Thus may you neuyr of ther deidis haif honour.

Bot ger yong lordis study in yi laws
And in ther youthhed tak sum techement
How suld a man be wyse that no thing knawis
To gif ye counsale in yi parliament
Or for to gif a ryghtwise iugement
Nor for to governe iustice in yi lande
That hes ther wit to seik at othiris hanede

O prince think quhy yi croune wes gewin ye till
Thi suerd yi ceptour in takin of iustice
Fra hieast god to discerne gud and ill
Expell wikkit and luf yam that ar wyse
And oure all thingis put wisemen in office
And knaw yam well that sall yi iugis be
Sen all the pligtht and perell lyis one ye

Bot sen a mannis wit may not suffice
For to mantene so hie a gouernance
Thow suld ger choise yi covnsale that wer wyse
Be all yi thre estatis hayl ordinance
Syne lay alhale ye charge in ther ballance
To gif ye counsale in yi gouernance
As yai will ansuer and to ye gret iugement