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 The Royal Courtly GARLAND;


                        PART I.

A Tragical ſtory I, have to relate,
A king of Bohemia of ſplendor moſt great,
This royal king wedded a virtuous Queen,
The greateſt of beauties that ever was ſeen.
And outlandiſh Prince of vaſt honour and fame,
Unto this King's court he a viſiting came ;
Who then was attended with honour and ſtate,
For the King ſent his Nobles upon him to wait.
And likewiſe to welcome this Prince to the court
Great feaſting was made with paſtime and ſport :
Now give your attention, and I'll ſhew in brief
How this ſport was turned to ſorrow and grief.
The King ſaw the Queen in the garden one day,
Walking with the Prince, which made him to ſay,
I fear the Prince is too great with the Queen,
And therefore I ever ſhall owe him a ſpleen.
She proved with child, made his jealouſy more,
Becauſe ſhe had never conceived before :
The King was enraged with great violence
And ſwore he would deſtroy the young Prince.
He call'd his cup-bearer then with ſpeed,
Sa when the Prince is at my table indeed :
Beſure give him poiſon to end his life,
For he has been free with my lawful wife.
To humour the King, the cup-bearer ſaid,
Your Majeſty's orders ſhall be obey'd,
Not willing to do it, the cup-bearer went,
And gave the young Prince to know his intent.
As ſoon as he had the King's treachery told,
The Prince gave him fifty bright guineas in gold,
Saying, I will eſcape his blood-thirſty hand,
By ſteering away to my native land.
For fear of the King the Prince dare not ſtay,
The wind being fair he ſailed away ;
And in a ſhort time to his father's court came,
Where he was received with honour and fame.
Soon after this royal Prince wedded a wife,
Who was his comfort and joy of his life :
His old father died in a ſhort ſpace,
And then the young Prince reigned in his Place.

                        PART II.

NOW when the King ſaw the Prince gone clear
Unto his Queen he was ſharp and fevere ;
Cloſe lock'd in a caſtle he did her confine ;
For to have her burnt the King did deſign.
At length in ſhort time deliver'd ſhe were,
Of a beautiful daughter moſt charming fair,
A babe of ſuch beanty as ſcarce ever beheld,
Then with great paſſion the King was fill'd.
And taking the babe with great violence,
Said, I'll kill it, becauſe it was got by a Prince ;
'Tis like, and therefore her blood ſhall run down,
Nobaſtar d ſhall ever inherit the crown.
His beautious Queen then in ſorrow did ſay
No man but yourſelf I e'er knew in that way.
I will not believe it, baſe harlot, ſaid he
For this offence you burned ſhall be.
If to me and my infant no mercy you'll ſhew,
On the throne above there's a juſt God, you know,
Who ſurely will judge you for your cruelty,
So with a clear conſcience I freely can die.
Whith what you tax me, God knows I am clear
If you burn my body I do not much fear
But my ſoul with angels in heaven may dwell,
While you with the devils are ſcorched in hell.
Soon after this the King took a way
The life of this innocent babe to betray,
And told the Qneen with abundance of ſpite,
He'd ſet her a ſwimming becauſe ſhe was light.
Then a little boat, he did ſtraitway provide,
Reſolving to ſend her away with the tide,
I'll ſend her a voyage, the wind fair doth blow,
She may come to a fortune for ought I do know.
A purſe of rare jewels ſhe plac'd next her ſkin,
And faſtened it likewiſe ſecurely within ;
A chain round her neck, and a mantle of gold,
Becauſe ſhe her infant no more ſhould behold.
Ah ! how it did the King's fancy pleaſe,
To ſee this babe floating on the ſalt ſeas.
Where I will leave this young infant, and ſhow
The goodneſs of God, who all ſecrets doth know.

                        PART III.

THE King in his ſleep was diſturbed in mind,
Three times it was called, O King moſt unkind
That now has contriv'd to deſtroy the child's life,
Through jealouſy. There is no fault in thy wife.
Then waking from ſleep he was heartily vext,
With a troubled conſcience his mind was perplext ;
He went to the caſtle when day did appear,
For to ask her pardon, and ſet her clear.
O worſt of wretches I certain have been,
I ne'er can expect to find comfort again ;
My dear wife and infant ſo baſely to ſerve,
Sure the worſt of deaths I now do deſerve.
The babe of my bowels is ſunk in the main,
I ne'er can expect to find confort again.
For to think of my actions my panting heart bleeds,
O how ſhall I anſwer for theſe unjuſt deeds ?
The Queen for her infant ſome time did lament,
O there was a court full of ſad diſcontent :
She took to her bed, and heart ſoon was broke,
O this to the King was a terrible ſtroke.
This court was in mourning for ſeveral years,
And alſo the King had many ſalt tears,
Where now I will leave them in ſorrow to weep,
And turn to the babe who was left in the deep,

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