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Wars > Wars in India

War in India

(12) War in India

            THE wAR IN INDIA

What means this cry of tumult that echoes o'er the
ocean ?
Why sounds the hoarse trumpet of strife to England
from afar ;
Why is the flag unfurled in our Indian possessions,
And has involved old England again in a dread war ?
The blood stained sword so lately sheathed from the
struggle on the Crimean shore,
That were wielded by brave hearts, who alas ! are now
no more,
Must from their scabbards again be drawn, and buried
in the heart's blood warm
Of those that have disturbed the peace upon fair Indias


Then cheer boys cheer, for England bonny England,
Buckle on your armour and hasten to afar,
or your services required are with the foe to be
Haste lads haste, unto the Indian war.
England has for years maintained o'er India British
And curbed the disaffected with an iron hand, in their
forces too much faith have placed,
Not dreaming there wou d come the day when mutiny
it might disturb
The peace of Indias land, but now the British nation
        is rife with consternation,
And filled with anxious fears each heart and caused us
to deplore,              
Now in a state of mutiny our Indian forces are we see,
So farewell to all humanity upon fair Iadias shore.
Cheer boys cheer, &c.

The native troops so long aub feed in blood their hands
they have embrued,
Of unoffending Women—with Children in their are s,
Now Delhi is a scene of woe where the crimson blood
in torrents flow,             
Each day brings news of fresh blow and fills us with
Thus shall we live and quie be, and not avenge the
No ! let loose our British Bull dogs as we have done
And let us the assassins show that to revenge we are
Nor stop' till we ouce more restore peace on fair Indias
Cheer boys, cheer, &c.

Thus spoke Sir Colin Campbell, is there a man on
England's ground,
That breathes a thought disloyal to his country or his
No ! our Soldiers have so oft been tried, that their
bravery cannot be denied,
To fight for England is their pride as of'times has been
Then give me but a stnldy bnnd, and of mutineers i'll
clear the land.
I'll lead my eomrades sword in hand as I have done
Brave Campbell cried onward with me my lads for fame
and liberty,
We will not give in until we see, peace upon fair Indias
Then cheer boys, cheer.

Our Indian soil by blood was gatned,and still by blood
must be maintained
Our power still we will retain of that land where
riches lie,
They shall not tear it from our grasp, we will stand
our ground until the last,
And in remembrance of the past we will conquer or we'll
Then raise the British banner high, and let death or
glory be your cry,
And show the foe we them defy, and of victory you'll
be sure,
Fight hand to hand and to them prove that Britons are
both staunch and true,
And cause the traitors for to rue their deeds on Indias
Cheer Boys, cheer.

Then cheer my lads and beat to arms, and to the standard
quickly run,
It is the honour of Old England that yon to glory calls,
For nations new are standing by, a watching with a
jealous eye,
Who for years hare waited anxiously to witness England's
But let us shew that Britons can, and will stand true
unto a man,
And clear of traitors Indias land as we have done before
Then cheer old England three times three, the land of
love and liberty.
We will be masters they shall see, still of fair Indias
shore.                    Cheer boys, cheer.

MATHERS, Printer,10, O1d Montague Street, Whitechapel.

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