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Temperance & various vices

Come landlord fill a flowing bowl

(10) Come landlord fill a flowing bowl

  Come Landlord fill a

      Flowing Bowl.

COME landlord fill a flowing bow!,
Until it does run over.
night we will merry be;
To-morrow we'll get ſober,
Come landlord,
c that drinks ſtrong beer.
And goes to bed mellow
Lives as he ought to live,
And dies a hearty fellow
Come landlord, &c.
le that drinks ſmail beer,
Goes to bed ſober,
alls as the leaves do,
That die in october,
Come&d. du
randy cures the gout
rhe cholic and the
it is to all men,
The very best of phy ic,
Come landlord,
He that courts a pretty girl,
And courts her for his pleaſure.
s a fool if he marry her,
Without ſtores or treaſure.
Come landlord &e.
So now let us dance and ſing,
And drive away all sorrow,
For perhaps we may not
Meet again to-morrow.

              The Buffalo,

Pitts, Printer, Toy and Marble Warehouse, 5, Great
                  Andrew street seveu dials,

COME all you young fellews that have a mis o
Into some ſore go country your station for to chr rge,
Into some foreign country away from her did go
We lay down on the banks of the pleasant yea wo
We wandered thro' the wild woods & chase the buffalo

There is fishes in the river that is flttiag for our use,
And fine lofty sugar Canes that yield us fine juice
And all sorts of game my boys besides the buck and Doe
We lay down on the banks of the pleasant yea wo.
Thro' the woods we'll wander & chase the Buffalo.

Come all you young maidens come spin us som yarn,
To make us some clothing to keep ourselves warm
For yon can card and spin my girls and we can reap
arid mow,
We lay down on the banks, &c,

suppoung these wild Indians should ehauce ſo comene
We will all unite together boys, our nearts free ſome
We wilsmarch into the town my boys and give the
tal blow,

              The Fire King

                Tune the Bantum Cock

Pitts, Printer, Tey and Marble Warehouse, 5, Great
                t, Andrew Street, Seven Dials,

GOOD people now pray list awhlle
Pay attention unto me,
And the wonders of our modern age,
I'll ſhortly let you ſee,
Menſieur Chabert the Fire King
He cuts a wonderoas ſhew.
With young and old of each degree
In talk he-sal the go,
With his pies and tarts and joints of men
And every thing that's nice
In an oven blazing heat ne goes
TO bake them in a Price
Now pray kind frriend on him
Not tkink him ought of coil
Far ſome do swear and some decarl
He's the son of the very Devil
For who but one of Satan's imps
Could stand ſuch monstrous heat
And ſtay ther full one hour,
While they bale a joint of meat
The people & flock from every part.
With anxious care to fee
This wonderful Phenomenon
Poiſon himſelf to that degree
That his eyes wiſh ſtartout of his, head
And lay upon his cheek
And all the time he'll at folks Laugh
And with them talk and speak
Now all who want attention paid,
To the baking of your meat
And wiſh with great anxiety.
To provide your friends with a ueat
As Chriſt was time is drawing near,
No doubt you'll uſe them we'll
And in baking's fam'd Monsieur Chibert
Is ali theſe does excel
And, all mischievious folks I ſav
Who do nought elſe but evil,
And who us a reward do fear,
The kingdom of the devil
I'll have you go onto Chabert
And tell him to forsooth,
And in the the courſe of a ſhert time
He'll make you Fire proof,
Now all who wiſh to have a treat,
Juſt go along with me,
To the Argyle Rooms with anxious are
Monſieur Chabert to ſee.
He's the wonder of the preſent age
W h folks both high and law
And in the circles or high li
In talk he's all the go.

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