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Authors and books

(9) Authors and books


                            Part 1.
1. BRownrig of Exon's firſt and ſecond Tome
Yield you good Sermon-notes,apply them home.
2. Aſcham reſtor'd pure Latin, Sr. John Cheek
Reſtor'd the true pronouncing of the Greek,
3. Eaſtern tongu'd Pocock, in his writing quick,
'mong many Works, made Grotius Arabick.
4. Savilian Bernard, a good Learned man
Will give us his Joſephus when he can.
5. Walton hath written Lives, and doth deſerve
To have a fair Memorial of himſelf.
6.  Spelman did greatly ( Father and the Son)
Serve th' Engliſh Church , by good things they
have done.
7.  The Linguiſt Wheelock hath taught us to read,
Saxon and Latin venerable Bede.
8. Patrick, in's Pilgrim, Prayr's, Advice, Debate,
Is learned, pious friendly, moderate.
9. Wotton, long time Ambaßador, at laſt
His mind at Eaton had a ſweet repaſt.
10. George Herbert, noble both in Arts and Birth ;
No Parſon equals His in all the Earth. (then
11. Cave's Books to Auction ? God forbid, how
Shall he write th' Hiſtory of all learned Men ?
12. Hales fold his Books to live upon : this thing
Shall not befall Cave under a good King.
13. Wake the Orator, King James's Ambaſsador ;
His Rex Platonicus he had wrote before.
14. Fulman a Country Parſon, and yet he
Can judge of all Books, all Antiquity.
15.  Perinchief , write his Dionyſius durſt,
Wrote at return the Life of Charles the firſt,
16. Excellent Brierwood hath great favour done's
By's Numms, by's Languages, and Religions.
17. Cotton himſelf, a noble Antiquary,
Friend to all ſuch by his rare Library,
18. The great Son of great Voſſius, is ours,
Prebend of that Church,known by Royal Tow'rs.
19. The famous Raulegh's Hiſtory General,
We glory in; grieve, that we hare not all.
20. Smiths Law fed both the Univerſities,
Deſerves our Univerſal Memories.
21. Juxon great Treſuror, Primate and a Friend ,
Waited on Charles the Martyr at his end.
22. Moulin of Canterbury, (as his Father was)
Many good learned pieces written has.
23. Goodman for's old Religion and the reſt ,
Chiefly the Parable of the Prodigal, is bleſt ,
24. Whitmore & Adams(friends of Learning)prime
Aldermen, faithful to's Majeſty at worſt time.
25. The admirable Grotius ſtands in theſe lines
For the great love,he had for our Divines
26. Lord Verulam ! his Works the Learned pleaſe
He is admir'd here and beyond the Seas.
27. Lord Faulkland ſlain,lamented is by all ;
With him, Vertue and Learning had a fall.
28. John Oxon Patron of Arts, no time can
His Name Extinguiſh, no his Cyprian.
29. Spotfwood Scots loyal Primate, and his Son,
For Charles the firſt have ſuffer'd much,much doe.
30. Grave and mild Juckſon, of deep thoughts,
great ſenſe,
High Phraſe, above common Intelligence.
31. For's Primitive Chriſtianity, our Cave
And for his Fathers laſting praiſe will have.
32. Sweet Chillingworth by Preaching won the day,
A Conqueror again by his ſafe way.
33. Brave More for Godlineſs, for Antichriſt &c
I long to ſee his ſtate of Philadelphia.
34. Dean Field in writers of the Church is one
Of the beſt ; ſee the beſt Edition.
35. Sheldon the Dean, firſt entertains his King
At the Chapel, with David's Thankſgiving.
36. Nicolſons worth, Biſhop of Gloucester ,
In his Defenſe of our Church does appear.
37.  Frampton our Biſhop made againſt his will ,
A Biſhops Office does with praife fulfill.
38. Dean Marſhals forreign learning,he that lifts,
May perceive, by the Gotth Evangeliſts
39. The ſenior Prebend Waſhbourn's Devotions,
We expect with his holy Meditations
40. Two Samways Coſin-Germans, both we fee
In Studies and Devotions agree
41. Veſey,a primate wrote Bramhal's life : his name,
And Biſhops vertues commend him to Fame.
42. Thrice noble Boyl, of Royal Society,
Hath led his fellows to Theology.
43. That reverend man, Biſhop of Cheſter, Fern,
Hath written whence obedience we may learn.
44.  Arch deacon Hyde hath merited a good Lot
In Bodley's Catalogue, Walton's Polyglot.
45. The Primate Uſher did revive Hierom,
And the moſt eloquent Preacher Chryſostom.
46. Humſrey of Bangor, Warren's friend and mine,
In Life and Learning is a true Divine.
47. Bedel of Kilmore with Wotton the Seas croft,
'Tis pitty his great Iriſh Bible's loft.
48. Dodwel a writer rational and profound,
By various Works, hath Love and Glory found.
49. Heylin of Weſtminſter, ſmart Man, ſee's life,
Well writ by my friend Vernon, with ſome ſtrife.
50. Godwin of Abingdon deſerves of me,
Thanks for Roman and Hebrew Antiquity.

" Reader , take theſe from me, I leave the reſt
" To thoſe who have more light and ſee'em beſt
" I beg no pardon for what I have done,
" Out of my Love and Admiration.

                        C. B.

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