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An epic poem, 7
fword hangs loofe on his fide. His fpear glitters as he moves. I
fled from his terrible eyes, king of high Tcmora !
Then fly, thou feeble man, faid Foldath's gloomy wrath : fly
to the grey flireams of thy land, fon of the little foul ! Have not
I feen that Ofcar ? I beheld the chief in war. He is of the
mighty in danger: but there are others who lift the fpear. — Erin
has many fons as brave, king of Temora of Groves ! Let Foldath
meet him in the flrength of his courfe, and flrop this mighty
ftream. — My fpear is covered with the blood of the valiant; my
fhield is like the wall of Tura.
Shall Foldath* alone meet the foe ? replied the dark-browed
Malthos. Are they not numerous on our coaft, like the waters
of many ftreams ? Are not thefe the chiefs who vanqui/lied Swa-
ran, when the fons of Erin fled ? And fliall Foldath meet their
bravefl: hero .'' Foldath of the heart of pride ! take the ftrength
of the people ; and let Malthos come. My fword is red with
flaughter, but who has heard my words ? -f-
SoNS of green Erin, iaid Hidalla ;{:, let not Fingal hear your
words. The foe might rejoice, and his arm be fl:rong in the land.
• — Ye are brave, O warriors, and like the tempefts of the defart j
* The oppofite charaders of Foldath He intended the exprefllon as a rebuke to
and Malthos are ftrongly marked in fubfe- the felf-praife of Foldath.
quent parts of the poem. They appear al- ^ tt- ■ n i , • r r ,->.
^ . r ■ I-, r , . t Hidalla was the chief of Clonra, a
wavs in oppolition. The feuds between
their families, which were the fource of ^"^'" ^'^'''^ °" "'^ ^^''^' ""^ '^^ '^''^ °^
their hatred to one another, aie mentioned Lego. The beauty of his perfon, his elo-
in other poems. quence and genius for poetry are afterwards
f That is, who has heard my vaunting ? mentioned.

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