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A DISSERTATION concerning the
modefty, which perhaps the prefent tranflator ought. In prudence,
to have followed, defpaired of making the compolitions of their
bards agreeable to an Englifli reader. The manner of thofe com-
pofitions is fo different from other poems, and the ideas fo confined
to the moft early ftate of fociety, that it was thought they had not
enough of variety to pleafe a pollflied age.
This was long the opinion of the tranflator of the following col-
lection i and though he admired the poems, in the original, very
early, and gathered part of them from tradition for his own amufe-
ment, yet he never had the fmalleft hopes of feeing them In an
â– Englifli drefs. He was fenfible that the llrength and manner of
both languages were very different, and that it was next to impof-
fible to tranflate the Galic poetry into any thing of tolerable Englifli
verfe ; a profe tranflation he could never think of, as it mull: necef-
£irily fall fliort of the majefty of an original. It was a gentleman,
who has himfelf made a figure in the poetical world, that gave him
the firfl hint concerning a literal profe tranflation. He tried it at
his defire, and the fpecimen was approved. Other gentlemen were
earnefl in exhorting him to bring more to the light, and it is to
their uncommon zeal that the world owes the Galic poems, if they
have any merit.
It was at firft intended to make a general colledlion of all the an-
cient pieces of genius to be found in the Galic language ; but the
tranflator had his reafons for confining himfelf to the remains of the
works of Offian. The adlion of the poem that flands the firft, was
not the greateft or moft celebrated of the exploits ofFingal. His
wars were very numerous, and each of them afforded a theme which
employed the genius of his fon. But, excepting theprefent poem, thofe
pieces are irrecoverably loft, and there only remain a few fragments
4 in

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