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Geolach, gyol'-ach, n.f, a bier, shoulder-
belt. Armst.
Geom, gyòn, n.m. avidity, keenness.
(5E0NAIL, gyòn'-al, a. keen, with avidity.
Geotan, gyot'-an, n.m. a driblet, or tri-
fling sum or debt, an item, a small
quantity ; a' cruinneachadh gheòtan, col-
lecting trifling debts ; a pendicle.
Geuban, gab'-an, (sgròban) crop. Bible.
Geuc, gà'g, 71. /. a branch, a sapling; a
young superfine female; haii-gevg, a
belle, lasdaire, a beau.
Geugach, ga'g'-ach, a. branchy, ramifying.
Geum, ga'm, n. m. lowing of cows, calves,
&c V. low.
Geumnaich, gà'm'-nyèch, n./. continuous
Geuh, gè'r, a. sharp, sharp pointed, sharp
edged ; mentally acute, shrewd, ingeni-
ous; acute of vision; sginn gheur, sharp
knife ; duine geur, a shrewd, acute, or
ingenious fellow ; suil gheur, a keen eye;
claidheamh geur, a sharp.edged sword ;
acrid, bitter, tart ; bias geur, acrid, bit.
ter, or tart taste; severe, harsh, keen;
tha e tuilidh is geur, he is too severe or
keen ; sleagh ^Apur, sharp-pointed spear;
bainne^eur, milk of an acrid taste ; fion
geur, sour wine.
Geurach, gar'-ach', n. f. the herb agri-
Geubaich, gèr'-ech, v. sharpen, hone,
whet ; a' geurachadh na sgine, sharpen,
ing, honing, or whetting tite knife ; sour,
embitter; am hamne a.' geurachadh, the
milk souring; adv. sharply, keenly; a
g'curamharc, looking keenly ; geuraichte,
sharpened, whetted, honed.
Geurchuis, gàr'-chùsh, n. f. acuteness,
penetration, ingenuity, mental energy.
Geurchuiseach, gur'-chush-àch, adj.
acute, penetrating, sharp, ingenious,
subtle, inventive.
Geur-lean, gar'-lleni v. persecute, harass.
Geur-leanmhuinn, gèr'.len-vhè'nn, n. f.
persecution ; geur-leanmhuinn, na gort,
persecution ox famine.
Gheibh, ykc)2, fut. off: of faigh ; faigh aon,
get one; gheibh mi, I shall get; fhuair
mi, / have got, or I got.
GheibHeadh, y/iòv2'-A, would get.
Gjieibheab, yAòv2'-ur, shall or will be
GiiElBHiNU, yAòv2'-enn, I would get.
Gial, gèàl, n.m. gum ; ciobhall, contracted
and corrupted, a jaw-bone.
GiBNEACH, gebS'-nyach, n. m. cuttle-fish.
GiDHEADH, gè-yhaògh', conj. yet, never-
GiGUis, ge'-yhe, n. m. a masquerade.
GfLB, gelb, n./. a chisel ; g^i/i-thollaidh,
GiLE, gèl—à, nf. whiteness, clearness, fair- /
ness; degree; na"s gile, whiter, fairer ; /^"^ A.
gile a'n anairt, whiteness of the linen i 7^ — /^
also gilead.
GiLLE, gelly2'-à, n. m. servant man ; a
young man ; a lad ; ^i//f.each, a groom ;
gille-coise, footm/in ; gille.Tu\ti\, a cou-
rier ; g-iae-fionn and -fiondrain, a small
white periwinkle ; ^i//s-greasaidh, a pos-
tilion; also gille-marcsLChi; gille-gaoth-
uich, one that runs messages; gille-mi-
rein, a tee-totum, a whirligig; giUe-guir-
minn, corn-sgabious, gille-sguaiii, train-
bearer; gUle-copain, cup-bearer; lean-
B.h'h-giUe, a male child, a man child.
GiLM, gem, n. m. a buzzard.
Gin, gen2, v. beget, gender, conceive, pro-
duce ; o'n a ghineadh e, since he was con-
ceived; ma'n do ghineadh na cnoic, be-
fore the hills were produced; ghin an
crodh, the cattle gendered ; ginte, begot-
ten ; n. m. one, individual, one, any,
nobody ; 'na h-uile gin, every one, all ;
cha'n 'eil ^in agam,/rfo not possess a single
one; cha d'thainig gin, none came, no-
body came; am bheil gin agadsa, have
you any ?
Gi.NEAL, genn2'-al, n. f. offspring, race, li-
neage ; do ghineal, your offspring; a
ghineal dhubh, the black race; growth
of com in the stack or shock.
GiNEALACH, genn2'-al-ach, n.,/'. a race. B.
GiNEALAicH, gènn2'-al-ach, v. grow as com
in shocks.
GiNEAMiiuiNN, gèn'-uv-ènn, n. m. concep.
GjOB, gè'b2, n. f. shag, hairiness.
GiOBACH, gè'b2'-ach, adj. shaggy, hairy.
GioBAG, geV-ag, n. f. a handful of lint.
GioBAicnE, gèbS'-èch-à, n.f. shaggiuess.
GiOBAiRNEACH, geb^'-ar-nyach, n. m. cut-
GiOBALL, gèb2'-all, n. m. mantle, shawl ;
n. c. an odd fellow, or lady.
GiOBABSAicH, gèb'-ars-èch, n. f. shaggi-
GioG, ge'g, V. peep, steal a look at ;
cringe, crouch, fawn; ghlog e stigh air
an uinneig, he peeped in at the window;
cha ghìògainn do dhuiiie, / would' not
cringe to any man.
GiOGAiRE, gè'g'-ar'-à, n. m. a cringer,
fawner. •
GioL, geùl, 71. f. a leech i g-io/-tholl, horse-
GioLc, gèùlk, V. bend, stoop, aim at;
giolcom ort, let me try to hit you ; make
a sudden movement.
GiOLLA, £br gille.
GioLLacHD, gèùU- or gè'll'-achg, n.f. axidpt.
manufacturing, preparing, dressing, im-
proving ; a' giollachd leathraich, dressing

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