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Atl CominitHicatiotiSt on literary and business
matttis, should be addressed to the Editor, Mr. JOUN
MACK AT, 9 BIythswood Drive, Glasgow.
MONTHLY imll be sent, post free, to any part of the
United Kingdom, Canada, the United States, and aU
countries in the Postal Union — -for one year, 4s.
The Celtic Monthly.
OCTOBER, 1897.
Ebv. O. Leslie M*ck*y, D.U., Foemu.s*, Jap.^x (with plate), 1
Locn Bar\"as, Lewis (poem), 2
CrLLOi'EN (poem), ... - 2
Lkoend.s relating to .?oiix Mac-\ndrew of Ualxahatnich (illus.), 3
WiLLiA.M Macandrew, Essex (with plate), .... 5
Minor Septs ok Clan Chattan (illustrated), ... 6
Letter to the Editor — Children op the Mist, . - .
The Last Norse Invasion of Sutherland (poem), . !>
To our Readers, . - - . 10
A Glint of Northern Loveliqht (illustrated). - . - 11
The late Sir Richard Graves MacDonnkll, K.C.M.G.
AND C.B. (with plate), -..---- 14
Gallant; Deeds that helped to win the Empire, - . 15
England and the Lords of the Isles, - - - - 17
The Phantom Doe (poem), 19
The Gaelic Mod at Inverness, ----- . 20
.\M B.\uD (prize poem), 20
Lad month's issue coniphta/ I'dlvme I'. Tlic annual
suhscnpiioyis (4;- post free) are noiv overdue, and
shovld he remitted at once to the Editor, John Mackay,
'.I Blijthsu-ood Drive, Glasgoxv. We triist our readers
â– will gire this matter their immediate attention, and
obviate the necessity of a second notice. We are
greatly indebted to tho.-iC snbscrihers u-ho hare already
fonrarded their siibscripfi(.iis.
Will contain plate portraits, with biogi-aphical
sketches, of Dr. M. 1). Macleod, Beverley; Mr.
James Mackay, Wellington, New Zealand ; ami
t!olonel Dnncan Campbell of Invenieill.
Volume V. — We now ofier a few copies of
the yearly volume, tastefully bound, for 10/- post
free. As we are only able to ofJ'er a very limited
number of complete sets those who desire cojiies
should apply at once to the Editor, 9 BIythswood
Drive, Glasgow. Two copies each of the last two
volumes may still be had, Tolume III., 20-;
Volume IV., 10 -, post free.
The newspaper press are always very complimen-
tary in their notices of the Celtic. In reviewing
our last issue, the editor of the Oban E.rpre,-<s pays
the magazine a compliment which we greatly
appreciate. He concludes a flattering review as
follows : " We had lately occasion to bind up the
year's numbers of the Celtic Monthly, and what a
beautiful and artistic volume it makes. It is equal
to any of the illustrated folios so fashionable in
drawing rooms."
Rob Donn's "Songs and Poems." — We have a.^
new edition of the works of the famous Sutherland
bard, with the music of 50 of the original melodies,
in the press. The response to our circular in last
issue has been most encouraging, and we hope this
month to be able to add many more names to the
list of subscribers. Particulars will be found in
our advertising pages.
County of Suthehland Association. — 'I'he
address by the Duchess of Sutherland on "The
Home Industries " is to be delivered in the Berkeley
Hall, (ilasgow, on Thursday, 21st October. Lord
Provost Richmond will preside. A large gathering
is expected. Tickets, price (reserved seats) 10/6, 5/ ,
and 2/6, can be had from John Mackay, Celtic
Monthly, 9 BIythswood Drive, Glasgow.
The Clan Maclean hold their Annual Social
Gathering in the Waterloo Rooms on 22nd (Jctober.
Colonel Sir Fitzroy Maclean. C.B., Chief of the
Clan, in the chair. We understand the gathering
this year promises to be an unusuallv brilliant
function, distinguished clansmen from all part.s of the
country having promised to attend. All the clans
will semi representatives in honour of the occasion.
Majop.-General G. jNI'Baix Farcjuiiarson,
whose portrait and sketch appraredin our last issue,
sent a copy of the CrUir Mi.iilhly to Her Majesty
the Queen for her acciptanc. Tlie gallant General
has received a most pleasing communication from
Her Majesty, accepting the copy sent, and we have
no doubt she found much in it to interest one in
whose veins. flows the blood of the ancient Stuart
A Branch of the Clan Grant Society has
been formed at Grantown, through the instrumen-
tality of iSIr. James Grant, the popular president.
'• Leabhar na Ceilidh." — This most interesting
work by Mr. Henry Wbyte (i^'ioiiH) has just been
published, and is a valuable contribution to our
Gaelic literature. It is a selection of over thirty
Gaelic compositions, from the works of the most
eminent writers, and arranged suitable for readings
or recitations. It is very tastefully gqt up, and
copies (price 3/- post free) can be had at- the Celtic;
Moidhlij Office, 9 BIythswood Drive, (ilasgow.
The annual distribution of prizes to scholars
attending schools in the parish of Rogart was made
in the Drill Hall. Rogart, on 1 8th "September, by
Her Grace the Duchess of Sutherland. Colonel
Duncan iNIenzies presided. The volumes in connec-
tion with the competitions for .Gaelic were supplied
by Mr. John Mackay, Hereford. One part of the
proceedings was the reading of an address to Mr.
John Mackay expressing the thanks of the Associa-
tion for his beneficence to his native parish. Her
Grace the Duchess handed the address to Mr. Mackay
along with a gold snuff-box. Her Grace .said —
"I cannot tell you how mirch Mr. Alackay has
encouraged me in my work in this county by his
example of persevering geuero.sity. (Applause.) It
is only these things which we dojfrom our Iieart that
tell, and we know that Mr. Mackay has loved his
native parish, and has loved Sutherland. In blessing
you he has blessed himself."

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