Scottish Post Office directories

Local statistics, events and fairs

Scottish Post Office directories may include pages dedicated to information on local events and statistics.

Among them could be:

  • The history and extend of a place
  • The origin of its name
  • A list of its eminent and historic inhabitants
  • The agricultural use of its surrounding lands.

The 'Bute county directory' for 1909-1910, for example, gives information on local agricultural refunds for 1907-1908 issued by the Board of Agriculture.

Library opening

Some directories record particular events within a community.

The 'Post Office Greenock' directory, for instance, gives details of the opening of the town's library in 1783, its railway to Glasgow in 1865, and the James Watt Dock in 1886.

Times of markets

Already among the very early directories you can also find lists of local markets and fairs.

They would usually be given with information about their location, time and traded goods.

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