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Dalbeattie Agricultural Society — James
Grieve, secretary
Dalbeattie Gas Company — James Grieve,
secretary; James Buruie, manager
Inspector of Poor and Collector of Poor
Rates, for Buittle Parish— Kngh Knox,
High School, Buittle ; for Urr Parish— John
Lowden, Haugh of Un* ; for Colvend
Pai-ish — James M'Lelland, Colvend
Mechanics' Institute l^ Reading Room,
High St — W. H. Maxwell, Ksq. president
Police Station, Railway st— James M'Guffog,
Police Commission — Francis Armstrong,
trea&urer and collector
Eegistrars of Births, Deaths, & Marriages,
for Buittle Parish — Hugh Knox; for
Balbeattie Parish— Wil\ia.m Stuart, Station
road; for Colvend Parish — James M'Lel-
land, Colvend; /or Haugh of Urr— John
Sixth Kirkcudbrightsliirc Rifle Volunteers'
Armoury and Stores, Station road — James
Grieve, captain; John Welsh, drill in-
To AUCHENCAIRN, daily during summer,
on Wednesdays only during winter
To CASTLE DOUGLAS (Mondays)— John
: M*Fegan, from Haugh of Urr
' To CASTLE DOUGLAS (Mondays)— John
\ Muir & William R. Sibbald, from Dalbeattie
' To COLVEND SHORE, daily during
To DUMFRIES CWednesdays) ■
M'Fegan, From Haugh of Urr
Station, Dalbeattie — David BaiUie, station
To AUCHENCAIRN— Joseph Gibson, Tues-
day & Friday
To DUMFRIES — Nathaniel Major, from
Copland st, Wednesday and Saturday, and
John Black(Weduesday),from Haughof Urr
IjATEHOUSE is a neat modem town, partly in the parish of
An-woth, but chiefly in that of Girthon, and union of Kirkcud-
bright, 105 miles s.s.w. from Edinburgh, 50 miles e. of Portpatrick,
83 s.w. from Dumfries, and 9 w. from KirkciiJbright ; charmingly
seated in a romantic and fertile vale, embosomed within hills and
lofty eminences, which form a spacious and delightful amphi-
theatre. Some of the hills have their sides clothed and their sum-
mits crowned with woods, interspersed with rich pasturage, while
the higher and more distant mountains pciiutrate the clouds.
The town is well built, regular and clean, the houses being geuo-
pally of the same height, the streets running iu straight lines and
crossing each other at right angles. Near the centre of the High
6trcct stands a square tower of grey granite, 75 feet high, which
had its origin in a sum of £80, left by Andrew Findlay, a watch-
maker, in the year 1867, for the purpose of erecting a public clock.
During the four succeeding years this sum, by local subscription,
■was increased until it amounted to £300, at which cost the tower ;
■was erected. The fine clock by which it is surmounted was sup- '
pliod by Messrs. Gillett & Brand, of Croydon, at a cost of £100,
and wa's presented to the town by H. G. Murray-Stewart, Esq. of
Broughton. A good stono bridge crosses the Fleet, connecting the
principal part of the town with that in Anwoth parish. At the
loot of the town flows the small river Fleet, wliich hnre meets the
tide, and becomes navigable forvesaels of 6() tons burthen and up-
wards, and the navigation of the river was considerably improved
by the late Mr. Murray, who, at a cost of £8,0Q0, cut a canal in a
straight line, which, besides deepening the river, reclaimed many ,
acres of land, since which a commodious quay has been con- ;
Btructed, at an expense of £600. The esporU of Gatehouse are |
principally grain, timber, and wool, and its imports lime and coal, j
There are some saw mills propelled by water power. Mines of i
lead and copper have been discovered in the ncighbouthood, which j
have been wrought to some advantage ; specimens of copper from i
the Enrick mine, shown at the exhibition of 1851, were pronounced
to bo the richest in Europe. Gatehouse was erected into a burgh
of baroDy in 1795, through the interest of the late Mr. Murray; its
municipal government is vested in a provost, two bailies, and four
councillors. A burgh court, for the recovery of small debts not
exceeding £5, is held every fortnight and a justice of tho peace
court sits every month for the parishes of Girthon and Anwoth.
The parish church, which is a commodious building, was erected
in 1817; its site is well chosen. The Free church, at the other
end of the town, is also a spacious and handsome building, and
contiguous to it is a church for the United Presbyterians. The
parochial school is well attended. A masonic lodge, a library con-
taining upwards of 1,4>00 volumes, and a reading room well sup-
plied with newspapers and periodicals, have their respective mem-
bers and supporters. In this neighbourhood, in the parish o
Anwoth, are the ancient castles of Rusko and Cardoness. There
are traces of three Roman encampments in the parish of Girthon
and two in the parish of Anwoth, aU within a radius of two miles.
Rusko Castle, now in ruins, is the reputed castle of "Young
Lochuivar," of Scott's ballads. A mile south of the town stands
CaUy,the noble residence of the proprietor, H. G. Murray- Stewart,
Esq.' At the distance of about two miles are the neat villas of
Ardwell and Cardonoss, and on a hill near the town stands a
plain stone monument or column erected to the memory of Samuel
Rutherford, the divine ; it overlooks the church where he preached,
and where, after service on Sunday, the members of the congre-
gation used to play football and other games. The column first
erected was struck and thrown down by lightning in 1847, and the
present structure rebuilt soon after. The market is held on Satur-
day ; and the fairs on the tirst Monday after the 17th of June (old
style), and a cattle market, or fair, the third Saturday in September.
The parish of Anwoth encloses an area of 11,774 statute acres, and
that of Girthon 33,374 acres. In 1871 the former parish had a
population numbering 829, and the latter 1,586; of these numbers,
1,503 were returned for the town of Gatehouse.
• POST OFFZCE:, High street, Gateuouse, John Gibson, Post Master.— lietiers from all parts ai'rive at eighteen minutes past
eight morning, and are despatched to all parts at twenty-five minutes past three afternoon.
Money Order and Telegraph Office and Savings Bank.
Black Rev. William M'Millan, the Manse,
Cairns Mrs. Mary, High st
Cairns William, Esq. High st
Campbell Mrs. Jane, High st
Campbell Mrs. Margaret H, Roseville
Campbell Miss Mary, Fleet bank
Carson Mr, Samuel, High st
Clark Rev. Andrew, U. P. Manse
Comrie James, Esq. Gategail
Corrie Miss Janet, High at
Cox James Nichol, Esq. High st
Douglas Mrs. Barbara, Glenavon Cottage
Faed John, Eflq. r.a. artist, Ardmore
Glover Henry D. Esq. High st
Jack Rev. H. Morton, the Manse
Kennedy Miss Jane, Fleet st
M'CuUoch Alexander, Esq. (of Glen), Kirk-
clauch, Anwoth
M'CuUoch Walter, Esq. Ardwall, Anwoth
M'Guffog John, ICsq. High st
M'Haffle Mr. John, Fleet si
M*Kean James, Esq. .t.t. Braeside Cottage
M'Millan Mr. W. D. Fleet st
Maxwell Mrs. — , Carstramont House
Maxwell Sir William, Bart. Cardoness
Meuzies Mr. Samuel, Boat green
Moor Rev. Charles T. Cally Parsonage
Bloule Mr. Heniy J. Rose bank
Blurphie Mrs. — , Eldevsue
Murray-Stewart Horatio-Granville, Esq. .t.p.
of Brougliton Cally
Nelson Mrs. Ann, Fleet st
Palmer Miss Isabella, High st
Payne Mrs. — , Hill Cottage
Robertson Rev. John, Free Manse
Walker Mr. George. Boat green
Wilson the Misses Eliza & Marv, High at
Cally School, Ann st— William Phillips,
Fleetside Bland School— Mary Ann Wil-
son, mistress
Fleetside School — David Clark, master
Girthon Public School, Gatehouse — John
Brown, master; Mary Jane Cullen,mistress
Parochial School, Anwoth — Wm. John-
stone Stark, master
I Comline John (for Thomas Shortridge i
Son, dyers, Dumfries), Hif?h st
Ferguson John (for J. FuUar & Sons, dyers.
Perth), High st
Gibson John (manure), High st
Heughan A. M. (manure). Cairn
M'Adam David (shipping), Fleet st
Moale Henry J. (4 factor for H. G. IMurray-
Stewart, Esq. of Brougliton), Rose hank
Slimmon Hugh (for Wilson & Kitching'a.
I sheep dipping composition, Whitelmven, &
I lor M'Leod'fi sheep dipping composition,
Glasgow), High sf
Stark James (for Singer's sewing machines).
High st
Bank of Scotland (Branch), High st —
draws on the Bank of England, Coutts &
Co. and Smith, Payne & Smiths, London
— Henry D. Glover, agent
Union Bank of Scotland (Branch), High
st — draws on Glyn, Mills & Co. London —
William Cairns, agent
Penny Savings Bank, Gatehouse — James
M'Miken, treasurer
Campbell James, High st
Kirkpatrick Thomas, High st
Lightbody WUliam M'C. (& cattle salesman),
Nether Rusko
Hunter John, High st
Mitchell Alexander, High st
j Porter Jane, High st
1 Shaw Mary, Rigby st
Dryburgh Charles (A clog maker). High at
M'Leau Andrew (& leather seller), High st
M'Taggart James, High at
Teller William, High st
fiall Jotan (and seedsman, and
sole proprietor and manufac-
turer of Hawkln's Australian
sbeep dip). Klgrb st
Belford Charles, Cross st
Comline John, High st
Fowler Ebeneier, High lit

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