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Porters^ Fares and Regulations. 80
5th.. When statioua or districts are allotted to Porters, •which shall be done by
the Superintendent of Police, the Pwrters, except on extraordinai-y oecask-ns, such
as the Term time, -when they are gencvaUy employed at jflUtingt, shall not offer
themselves for hire beyond the district assigned them,
6th. Not more than four Porters shall stand at any comer of a street op other
station; and, as one 3tati(m may be more a<)rantageou3 for employment than
another, they siial! be so arranged as that each may bare an effual opportunity of
obtaining it. Thus, if tlio south corners of Glassford Street shall be deemed the
most favourable, the four Porters who have been longest in the service shall take
the west corner — the next tour in order shall take the east corner — the next four
shall take the west corner of Sfcockwell Street — and the ne:st fo»r the east corner of
Stockwell Street; and when a Tacancy takes place, by the employment or absence,
for a quarter of an hour, of any on the more advantageous stations, in this order—,
the Porter first on the next station, for tiie day, shall liare the right of moving to
it; that is to say, the first of the four at the west corner of Stocltwell Street to the-
west corner of Giassford Street, and the first of the four at tlie east corner of Stock-
well Street to the east corner of Giassford Street; or the first at the east corner of
Stoekwell Street may move to a racanc^' at the west corner of Stockwell Street.
The same rule shall be observed at the C)-o»s, the south end of Candleriggs, and th$
north end of Iving Street; the south end of Buchfman Street, and the north end of
St. Enoch Square; and at tlie other ]>arts of the City where there ai-e intersecting
streets, or where there are two or more stations near each other.
7th. Not more than six Porters shall i-esort to, or take up a statical at, any Coaoh-
Office, inn, or other place at which Stage-Coaches arrive. On the arrival of
Coaches, the Portera shall stand in a line on the eurb-stones of the pavement; and
they shall not leave the curb-stone or interfpre with passengers' luggage, till singled
out and engaged. They shall not importune, call out, or m;ike any signal, to pas-
sengers for employment; and, unless especially selected by passengers, they shall
take hire in rotation, each in regular succession.
8th. The object of these arrangements being to ensure good order on the ose
hand, and a fair opportunity of regular employment on the other, the Porters m*ts4
strictly attend to their operation. For this pnrpose, they may establish rules
am.ong themselves, provided these are sanctioned hy the Superintendent of Police,
who may alter or rescind them, and provided they ai-e not inconsistent with the
Regulations hereby enacted. In the event of dispute or misnnderstandi»g among
them, the same shall be detei-mined by the Superintendent. And, as a corrective of
improper conduct, the Superintendent may remove such as do not comport them-
selves with propriety, to an inferioi' station, and promote the next in order.
9th. No Porter shall appear on his station intoxicated: if lie does, he shall be
removed, and the next in order shall take his place. All Portei-s are prohibited
from standing on the pavement or crossings, to the obstruction or ai.noyance of
the lieges; as also from smoking, when upon their .stations, or in any mannes
giving offence. In general they are enjoined to conduct themselves orderly among
themselves, and discreetly towards the public; to obey the instnietions of the Ma-
gistrates; and to assist the Police in cases of emergency, and on all occasions when
x^equired by the Snpei-intendent, or the officers acting under his authority.
10th. Porters contravening, or rot. conforming to tiiese regulations, will sub-
ject themselves to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings; which penalty shall be
awarded, and the Regulations enforced in a summary manner, by tl30 Sitting Ma-
gistrate in the Council Chambers or Police Court, who may also dismiss from said
employment, and deprive of their badge, such as shall offend.
Foe Cabstinq
5. (L
A letter or parcel not exceeding li lbs., any distance not more than \ of
a mile, ..... ...
And for every additional \ of a milo, ....
A parcel or parcels, exceeiing 1 4 lbs., and not exceeding 66 lbs., any dia-
tance not more than | of a mile, ... .^ .
And for every additional :J of a mile, .....
A parcel, or parcels, exceeding 6G lbs, and not exceeding 112 lbs., any
dvitance not more than |: of a mile, . . . . .04





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