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€ur€ of a case of Asthma of Ten Years' Standing, by " WooUey's
Pectoral Candy."
Reddltch, Worcestershire, March l^th, 1851.
Sir, — I have the pleasure of ini'orming you of the cure of a
sister of mine, of Asthma of ten years' duration, by your
Pectoral Candy.
I am, yours truly, James Duggins,
Temperance Hotel.
N.B. — I could tell you of another cure ; but the person said
he should write to you himself. This was the person who re-
commended it to my sister.
Plymouth Foundry, Plymouth, Devon, March 22d, 1850.
Sir, — I think it a duty I owe to yourself and the public, to
inform you of the great benefit 1 have derived from your Pec-
toral Candy. 1 have been troubled with a severe cough for
the last seven years, and, although I have had the very best
medical advice, could obtain no permanent relief until I fortun-
ately tried ycur Candy; and, after taking two small boxes, I
find myself free from cough. You have my permission to give
publicity to this statement.
Yours, &c., John Edmond Mare.
To Mr Woolley.
Chatham, April 15, 1850.
Dear Sir, — Mrs Chiseman, of Garden Street, Brompton, has
been cured of a cough of four years' standing, ! y taking one
box of your Pectoral Candy, and is desirous of expressing her
gratitude, in order that others, similarly afflicted, may obtain
the same benefit. Please send me three dozen of the large
boxes for her brother to take out to the Mauritius with him
next week. I can also add my testimony, that, from the many
cases I have seen of its decided eificacy, I am persuaded it
stands unrivalled as a general Cough medicine.
Yours truly, Henry Watts, Chemist, Chatham.
To Mr Woolley.
Mr Starling, 16, Marsham Street, Maidstone, has been
under the care of Dr. Cobb, Great St. Helen's; Dr. Addison,
Chief Physician to Guy's Hospital ; and Dr. Powell, Tonbridge
Wells. His disease was pronounced "Ulcers on the Lungs."
These eminent men told him, when he appeared to be sinking,
that they could do nothing more for him. It was then he was
advised, by a friend, to make trial of Woolley 's Pectoral

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