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Broadside entitled 'Grand Preparations for the Queen's Coronation'



Grand Preparations

       FOR THE

Queen's Coronation !

An Account of some of the Festivities which will take place in
Edinburgh and Vicinity, on Thursday the 28th June, 1838,
being the day appointed for the Coronation of Our Most Graci-

A most brilliant and splendid display of Fire Works will be ex-
hibited from the Half Moon Battery in the Castle, on Thursday eve-
ning, on this joyous and auspicious occasion ; and, at the same time,
a large Bonefire will be lighted on the summit of Authur's Seat,
which must have a grand appearance from the surrounding country.

The Shops, and all places of Public Business, are to be shut up
for the whole day, to give all classes of her Majesty's subjects here
an opportunity to testify their joy and loyalty on this occasion.
It must also very satisfactory to learn, that the College Museum,
as well as various other Public Institutions, possessing great interest,
will, on Thursday, be opened to the public in general, under cer-
tain necessary regulations - thus affording a treat to the whole        
citizens of Edinburgh, which is seldom attainable.

There is to be a Grand Banquet in the Assembly Rooms, George
Street, the Tickets for which are selling rapidly, and nearly all sold.
Also, in order to allow sufficient opportunity to the inhabitants to
meet together on this happy occasion, there is to be an Entertain-
ment in the Great Waterloo Room, Regent Bridge, in addition to
the Banquet in the Assembly Rooms, and there is good reason
to believe that every thing will be conducted in the most creditable
manner to the city. Several other smaller parties intend meeting
to celebrate the Coronation in the same happy, loyal and joyous

One of the most magnificent individual manifestations of loyalty
towards our youthful and beloved Queen, to be exhibited in this,
or we believe, any other quarter of the Empire, on Thursday first,
will take place on the occasion of the partial Opening of his Grace
the Duke of Buccleuch's splendid Pier at Granton, in the vicinity
of Edinburgh. All the principal Nobility and Centry at present
in town, being invited to a Grand Entertainment to be given on
the Pier that day at two o'clock, in honour of the auspicious event;
at which his Grace's brother, Lord John Scott, will preside. At the
same time, with his wonted liberality, has given orders that several
oxen shall be roasted, and other appropriate viands prepared?not
forgetting a suitable supply of liquids?in order that the whole of
the industrious artisans and labourers (upwards of 300 in num-
ber), employed on the Works, may participate in the festivities and
rejoicings of the day.

That his Grace may be long preserved to diffuse comfort and
happiness amongst his numerous dependants, both at Granton and
elsewhere, will certainly be the prevailing wish amongst all classes
of the community, upon the forthcoming interesting occasion.

And finally, among the numerous ways in which Thursday - a
day that will long be remembered - is proposed to be spent, the
clergy of the Established Church in Leith resolve to hold a meeting
in South Leith Church, at eleven o'clock forenoon of that day, for
the purpose of offering up prayers to Almighty God for a long and
prosperous reign to her Majesty - and that the Coronation Anthem
is to be sung by the Choir, and the Queen's Anthem by the chil-
dren attending the Charity and Sessional Schools, on the occasion.
A Grand Cricket Match, between the Holyrood and Caledonian
Clubs, is to be played on Thursday, her Majesty's Coronation day,
on Sparkes Cricket Ground, Grove Street, which is expected to be
a great treat to the lovers of this noble and manly game.

Menxies, Printer.

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Date of publication: 1839   shelfmark: L.C.Fol.74(183)
Broadside entitled 'Grand Preparations for the Queen's Coronation'
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