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BEN JOHNSON was defcended from a Scots fami¬
ly, his grandfather, who was a gentleman, being
originally of Annandale in that kingdom, whence he re¬
moved to Carlifle, and afterwards was employed in the
fervice of King Henry VIII. His father loft his eftate
under Queen Mary, in whofe reign he fuffered imprifon-
ment, and at laft entered into holy orders, and died a-
bout a month before our poet’s birth, who was born at
Weftminfter, fays Wood, in the year 1^74. He was
£rft educated at a private fchool in the church of St
Martin’s in the Fields, afterwards removed to Weftmin¬
fter fchool, where the famous Camden was mafter. His
mother, who married a bricklayer to her fecond hulband,
took him from fchool, and obliged him to work at his
father-in-law’s trade; but being extremely averfe to that
employment, he went into the Low Countries, where he
diftinguilhed himfelf by his bravery, having, in the view
of the army, killed an enemy, and taken the opima fpo*
lia from him.
Upon his return to England, he applied himfelf again
to his former ftudies, and Wood fays he was admitted
into St John’s College in the Univerfity of Cambridge,
though his continuance there feems to have been but
. fhort. He had fome time after this the misfortune to
fight a duel, and kill his adverfary, who only (lightly
wounded him in the arm; for this he was imprifoned,
and being caft for his life, was near execution ; his an-
a 2 tagonift,