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Appendix Bibliothec^ Facultatis ytiridic^.
droit nature], la morale univerfelle,
le droit des gens, le droit politique,
le droit public, le droit Romain, le
droit canonique, et le droit feodal,
avec I'hiftoire litteraire relative a ces
fciences. Ouvrage compofe par une
fociete de moraliftes, de jurifconful-
tes, &c. Le tout revu et mis en ordre
par M. de Felice, ij torn. Tyver-
don 1777. in 4.
'Didionarium. Manuel des artiftes et
des amateurs, ou didionnaire hifto-
rique et mychologique desemblemes,
allegories, enigraes, devifes, &c. 4
torn. A Paris 1770. ?« 12.
—s— Diderot {Denis.) Letter to M. Fuflln
\^^'l3 ^^' ^^ landfcape painting, and the Ttvo
' Friends of Bourbon, a moral tale.
Exfi. with Gefner's Idyls, pag. 85.
j Dieflenfia monumenta, videlicet, I. A-
s/hf/tAJ. nonymi Dieflenfis catalogus praepo-
^ * fitorum Dieffenfium. Exjl. inter
Oefelii rerum Boicarum fcriptores,
iom, 2. pag. 648.
—IL Codex tradltionum Dleflenfi-
iim. Ibid. pag. 685.
——in. Chronicon Dieflcnfe, ab an¬
no Chrifti 1151 ad annum 1432.
Ihid. pag. 701.
-IV. Anonymi monachi Dieflenfis
memoria fepulchralis Comitum Di
eflenfium. Ibid. pag. 703. Vide
Luitoldus, Prefb. Dieflen.
-.J^. MPilettanti, Society of. Fi'i^ Chandler
'" {Richard.) ^
\,Tj-i Dimfdale {Baron Thomas.) Thoughts
'lii^^/y'.^/^, on general and partial inoculations.
'j London 1776. in 8.
-yf^ Diodorus Siculus. Antiche hiftorie
Tij_l^\S^^ favolofe, [fenza il nome del Tradut-
tore.'\ InVenezia 1547. ^^ ^*
Dionyfius HalicarnalT. Opera omnia
^ // Graec. et Lat. cum annotationibus
Henr. Stepham, Frid. Sylburgii,
Fran. Porti, Ifaaci Cafauboni, Ful-
vii Urfmi, Henr. Valefii, Jo. Hud-
foni, et Jo. Jac. Reifke, 6 torn. Lip-
fiae 1774. in 8.
1/ P in J^iplomata Nobilium ac Baronum Sco-
DI ^
Diplomatarii Bohemico-Hungarici fpe-Zj^// no.
cimen. Exjl. inter Dobneri monu-'LJxU''' ^*
tiae. Vide Scotia.
menta hiftorica Boemiae, torn. 2.
Difquifitions on feveral fubjeiSls. Lon¬
don 1782. in 12.
Dobnerus (P. Gelafius.) Monumenta T"Jt7^1 .
hiftorica Boemiae nufquam antehac k/^iW>^, xx,
edita, quibus non modo patriae, ali-
arumque vicinarum regionuni, fed
et remotiffimarum gentium hiftoria
mirum quantum illuftraiur, 2 torn.
Pragae 1764. in 4. //
Dobfon [Sufanna.) Vide Curne [Jean f^. ij^ ^',/^^
Baptijle de la.) Petrarcha {JPran-
cifcus.) -^
Dodd {William.) Thoughts in pvKonJj^j^^J^^
in five parts, to which are added his^ —•'
laft: prayer, written in the night be¬
fore his death, and other mifcallane-
ous pieces. London iJJJ' in 8.
Refledlions on death. London
1777. in 12. Vide Villete {John.) f,-^
Domeniqui [Ludovico.) Vide Jovius/>^7// /^
[Paulus.) ^ ' *
Domefday book, containing a general
furvey of England, made in the timc'^^^^^^^ , /. 6
of William the Conqueror ; and is /
the mofl ancient record in the ^
realm. 2 vol. fol.
Vol. I., contains all the counties of
England, except Durham, Cum¬
berland, Weftmcreland, and Nor¬
thumberland. Vol. 2. contains the
counties of Eflex, Norfolk, and Suf¬
folk. This furvey was begun by-
order of William the Conqueror in
the year 1080, and finifhed in io85.
It mentions how much arable land,
pafture, meadow?^, and wood every
man had ; what was the extent and
value of them in the time of Ed¬
ward the Confeffbr, and at the time
of making the furvey. Alfo what
mills and fifheries, and in fome coun¬
ties the number of freemen, focraen,
villains, borders, fervants, young
cattle, {heep, hogs, horfes, &c. in
every town and manor, and to
whom they beJonged. *
K ' This

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