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Appendix Bibliothec^ Facultatis Juridic^v, 17
life of Dante ; to which is added a
fpecimen of a new tranflation of the
Orlando Furiofo of Ariofto, 2 vol.
London 1785. in 12.
Boyd [Robert^) LL. D. Judicial pro¬
ceedings before the High Court of
Admiralty, and fupreme confiftorial
or Commiirary Court of Scotland,
alfo before the Sheriff, Bailie, Dean-
of-Guild, Juftice of Peace, and Ba¬
ron Courts, with the ftyle of fum-
monfes, &c. in ufe before thefe
courts, and obfervations in law there¬
on, in feven books. Edinburgh
f-jr-^ - 1779. /« 1.4.
W^-']3,'Z3 ^^^ fame, 2d edit. Edinburgh
V^> ' ' 1779. in ^
Boydell [yames.) Merchant-freight¬
ers and captains of fhips affirtant,
being tables calculated with the
greateft accuracy, comprifing the di-
menfions, however diverfified, in
length, breadth, or depth ; together
with the folid contents of all pack¬
ages ufually (hipped, and likewife
the fifths, either on or off, of all
cafks, hoglheads, &c. London 1764.
in fol.
Boyer (^A.^ Vide Britannia.
Boyer {Jean Baptijie de,) Marquis d'
\J. I/^ -./• Argens. Hiftoire des revolutions arri-
_^l*^'t) U* \ees dans 1'Empire Romain, tant
dans I'etat que dans V eglife, depuis
Conftantin le grand jufqu'a la paix
de Munfter, 3 torn. 2 vol. y/ Lon-
dres »742. in 8.
Boyle [Charles,) Efq; afterwards Earl
^jjc-oi Orrery. Comedy, entitled, As
* you find it. Exji. with Roger Boyle
Earl of Orrery's dramatical works,
•vol. 2. pag. 389.
—, Boyle {Roger^) Earl of Orrery. Dra-
uP^'l^J/l matic works, 2 vol. Loiidon I'^T^ij.
"' ' ' in 8.
Brander {Gujiavus.) Account of a fin-
gular difcovery of bones in Chrift-
Church Priory, Hamplhire. ExJi.
in Archaeologia, vol. 4. pag. 117.
, JBrent (Charles^ Compendious aftro-
^'JP* nomer. London 1741./« 8.
I /y>^,Brequigny (M. de.) Voyez Ordon-
nances des Roys de France, torn. 10.
et II.
Brereton {Otoen Salujbury.) Obferva¬
tions in a tour through South Wales,
Shropfhire, &c. Exjl. in Archaeo¬
logia, vol. 3. pag. III.
* Extracts from a MS. entitled,
" Articles devifed by his Royal
Highnefs, &c. dated apud E'ltham-
menfe Jan. 22. Hen. VII!." com¬
municated to the Society by Owen
Salufbury Brereton. Ibid. pag. 154.
The title ol Majefty was not given
to the Kings of England till after
this reign.
Brice {Germain.) Defcription de la
Ville de Paris et de tout ce qu' elle
contient de plus remarquable, 8 tom.
A Paris 1725. in 12.
Bridault {M. Jean Pierre^ Maltre de
Penfion a Paris. Moeurs et cou-
tumes des Remains, 2 tom. A Paris
1754. in 12.
Bridges (yo^«.) Hiftory and antiqui- «y/2^^/f.,^,
ties of the county of Northampton.
in fol. This hifiory zvas
begun to befirfi publifhed in February
1738-9, \aboiit 15 years after the
death of the author^ but left off in
April or May folloiving.
Briffonius {Barnabas.) De verboruni ^^
fignificatione, feu dictionarium juri- ^'' /•
dicum, cura Jo. Gotliebii Heinecii,
cum praefatione Jufti Henningii
Boehmeri. Permultae accedunt ad-
ditiones MSS. audtore viro clariiK
Dom. Kennetho Mackenzie, Advo-
cato, et Juris Civitis in Academia
Edinburgenfi Profeflbre Pub. 3 vol.
Halae Magdeburgicae ij-^l- in fol. a .
Britannia. Political ftate of Great Bri- ^/y^* t ^l*
tain, from 1711 to 1739, by A. Bo¬
yer, 58 vol. London 1739. in 8. «—-3—» p
Inveftigation of the native rights ^y^J S^lo*
of Britifh fubjeds. London 1784. in 8.'
—General contents of the Britilli /^ I /' /i/>
Mufeum ; with remarks, ferving as|^
a diredory in viewing that noble
Cabinet. London 1762. in I2.'
—Britilh Colonies. Vide Colonies.
E Bromley

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