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Appendix Bibliothec^ Facultatis yuridic^, 15
inter Oefelii rerum Boicarum fcrip-
tores, torn. i. pag. 243.
—Adverfaria Boica-hiftorico genea-
logica ex regeftis antiquis excerpta.
Ibid. torn. 2. pag. 297.
-Compilatio chronologica rerum
Boicarum ab anno Chrifti millefimo
ad an. 1388. Ibid. pag. t^t^i.
,y^.i?.A!^. Boicarum rerum fcriptores. Vide Oe-
-^jL^ y felius [Andreas Felix.)
^^l^)3|&Boileau [Jacobus.) Vide Flagellants,
^^^^^^ Sea of.
y/A,Jg_. Q Boileau Defpreaux [Nicolas.) Lutiln,
a mock-heroic poem; to which is
prefixed fome account of Boileau's
writings, and his tranflations, by N.
. I Rowe. London 1708. in 8.
^/^.^./c'.Boioariae et Sueviae chronicon breve
d ab anno Chrifti 906, ad an. 1280, ex
fchedis V. Cl. Conradi Peutingeri.
Exji. inter Oefelii rerum Boicarum
- fcriptores,/07W. \. pag. ^ly
%yr^*9.tiy. Specimen Diplomatarii Boioarici.
^ '. Ibid. torn. 2. pag. 99.
^C.'^.fi^' Bolton [Edmund.) Nero Caefar, or
monarchy depraved, &c. London
r-p-J 1627. iliJoL
L_r^^/, Bombay. Defcription of the port and
"~^ ifland of Bombay. 1724- in
De rebus ad
geftis commentarius. Lug-
duni Batavorum 1752. in 8.
mentariorum de hello Italico
2 torn. Lugduni Batavo-
rum 1750. in 8.
ii/^^^'//^.BonamicI [Cajlrucius.)
' —mJ ' Velitras geftis comm
;—^ I duni Bate
*-•■ y libn tres,
rum 175c.
j^/j^/y;Bonizo Sutrienfis primum, poftea Pla-
f^[ * / centinus Epifc. Liber ad amicum, fi¬
ve de perfecutione ecclefiae libri no-
vem. Exjl. inter Oefelii rerum Bo¬
icarum fcriptores, torn. 1. pag. 780.
Bonnet (C^^r/ifjJdiGinevra. Lettredue
diflertatorie alia Spallanzani relative
alle due diflertazioni fulla generazi-
one e fecundazione artificiale di al-
cuni animali. Sta nelle Spallanzani
y j V Fifica,/ow. 3./>^^. 161.
|/7j/ /l^. Borchardus, Monachus Germanus, (qui
* circa annum Jefu Chrifti 1283, "^i^"
iffe fertur.) Defcriptio Terrae Sandtae
et regionum finitimarum,
burgi 1587. in 4. ^ TU^ At
Borde [Sieur de la.) Relation exa£l^^^5^V- ^'-
de Torigine, moeurs, coutumes, re¬
ligion, guerres, et voyages des Ca-
raibes, Sauvages des Ifles Antilles de
TAmerique. ^ Leide 1704. in
Borellus [Joannes Alphonfus.) De mof*^^^^* ^^^'
tu animalium, 2 torn, i vol. Lug¬
duni in Bat avis 1685. in 4. j//
Borgonio. FzJ(f Sardinia, Dominions of. ^yw. /»
Borionus [Antonius.) Colledanea ^^'T{^.l 3 ^
Rudoiphi-*—' Ly^'
tiquitatum Romanarum,a
no Venoti notis illuftrata.
1736. infol.
Borlafe [William.) Obfervations on
the ancient and prefent ftate of the
iflands of Scilly, and their impor¬
tance to the trade of Great Britain.
London 175 6. in 4.
Borthwick [William.) Inquiry Into th
origin and limitations of the feudal
dignities of Scotland. Edinburgh
1775. m 8. ^
Bos [M. I Abbe du.) Hiftoiie critique
de r etabliftement de la monarchic
Fran9oife dans les Gaules, 2 torn.
A Paris 1742. in 4. |
Jz: f./4.
Bofluet [Jacques Benigne,) Evefque da
Meaux. Relazione intorno al quie-
tifmo. In Parigi 1698. in 8. -.—-^-7 /'^ /-
View of univerfal hiftory froin/.V^!^'/^' ^^^
the beginning of the world to the
empire of Charlemain, tranflated
from the Louvre original, by James
Elphinfton, 2 vol. London 1778. in
Bofton (77?0W(7j,) fen. Illuftratlcnsof the«y^ ' y^» S^.
dodrines of the Chriftian religion, /
comprehending a complete body of
divinity, vol. 1. Edinburgh 1773.
Diftinguilhing charaders of XrMtl^yfn i^. /A
believers. Edinburgh 1773. in 12.
Chriftian life delineated in the
principal lines thereof, both as to its
rife and progrefs, 2 vol. Edinburgh
1775. in 12.

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