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Appendix Bibliothec/e lacultatis "yiiridide.
ens, and to clear the controverfes of
thefe days: Whereunto is added the
tranflation of the original Greek,
commonly ufed in the church of
England, with a confutation of all
fuch arguments, gloffes, and anno¬
tations, as conteine manifeft ixnpie-
tie, of herefie, treafon, and flander,
f^rrr^d^'^^ ^^^] againft the Catholic church of God,
f Jin and the true teachers thereof, or the
(-^^-tranflations ufed in the church of
England. The whole work perufed
and enlarged by William Fulke, D.
D. London 1601. infol.
-^y.57 Literal tranflation of the New
Teftament, being an attempt to
tranflate the facred writings with
the fame freedom, fpirit, and ele¬
gance, with which other Englifli
tranflations from the Greek Claflicks
have lately been executed, withfeledt
notes, critical and explanatory, by
E. Harwood, 2 vol. London^.
"i ^.y.9.% Evangelia duo fcil. S. Marci et S.
' Lucae charadere Saxonico. MS.
j—~~i in p erg am. in 8.
/^y^//.^/^l Dictionary of the Bible, or an cx-
I planation of the proper names and
difficult words in the Old and New
Teftament, accented as they ought
to be pronounced. London 1777. in
12. Vide Arias [BenediBus) Mon-
tanus. Bowyer [William.) Harle-
mius [Joannes.)
3. a/, Bibliotheca Aprofiana, liber rariffimus,
et a nonnullis inter oLvix^orvi nume-
ratus, jam ex lingua Italica in Lati-
nam converfus. Praemifit praefati-
onem notafque nonnuUasaddidit Jo-
han. Chriftoph. Wolfius. Hamburgi
Z 1734./k 8.
Blbliotheca Hafnienfis. Vide Refenius
[Pet. Joannes.)
^^ Bibliotheca vetus et nova. Vide Koni-
gius {Geo. Matt.)
Bibliotheque impartiale, depuis 1' an-
nee 1750, jufqu'en 1758, public par
les foins de M. Formey, 18 torn. A
Leide 1750. et ann.Juiv. in 12.
Bibliotheques de Paris. Le tableau hif-
torique et critique des plus belles
j\'l^o^ . S '/O.
bibliotheques de Paris, tant publiques
que particuliers. A Paris 1782. in
Bie [yacobus de.) Imperatorum Roma-^^!^/vY/'jP^
norum a Julio Caefare ad Heracliuni
ufque numifmata aurea, e Cimelio
Ducis Croiis et ArfchotanI, in aes in-
cifa [a Jacobo de Bie,] et novis com-
mentariis illuftrata a Sigeberto Ha-
vercampo ; accedit imperatorum Ro-
manorum Pinacotheca, per Ludol-
phum Smids. Amjlelodami 1738. in
Binet [EJlienne.) Abrege des vies des-/^^/^-
principaux Fondateurs des religions
de r Eglife, reprefentez dans le
Choeur de I'Abbaie de S, Lambert
dc Lieffies en Haynaut. A Anvers
1634. z« 4. T~n n <7.lx
Biographia. Beauties of biography,/^ J^U' iji?,
containing the lives of the moft il-
luftrious performs who have flourifti-
ed in Great Britain, France, Italy,
and other parts of Europe, 2 vol.
London 1777. in 12.
Biographia Dramatica. FiV^ Baker {Da'Ly//7
vid Erjkine.) T'~7~ 1
Birch [Thomas,] M. A. Life of T>J^47/7lix/^'
Tillotfon, Lord Archbifhop of Can-
terbury, compiled chiefly from his
original papers and letters. London
1752. in 8. •
Birrel [Robert,) Burgefs of Edinburgh. ^, '/ j?^
Diary, containing diverfe paflages of ^^/ ^ i/y
ftate and other memorable accidents, ^^' '^ "/^'
from the year of our redemption
1532 till the beginning of the year
1605. MS. in 8.
Biflaop and Superintendent. Differen - /7/, '/■ 5</.
ces betwixt a bifliop and fuperinten- / /
dent. MS. in 8. .^
Biftiop [R.) Haft India navigator's ».v'^7^V. uJf-
daily afliftant, with the new method ^
of computing the longitude. Lon¬
don 1773. in 4. ■ - yr,
Bifl"et [Alexander.) Vide Brookes (i?.](L TZ> I S. QQ.
Bitaube(M.) T/^f Jofeph. //Tlf? /7
Blackftone [Sir William,) Solicitor GeA" ^ Z' V
neral to her Majefty. Commentd,-^//ij O-*-^ >>s»
ries on the laws of England, in four ^ ^ •^''
D books,

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