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Appendix Bibliotheca Facultatis Juridic^. 11
^ ^ A>^Bayne {Alexander) I. P. Inftitutions
/ /' of the criminal law of Scotland. E-
dtnburgh 1747. in 12.
/Ti. ^'^^ Notes for the ufe of the ftudents
'" of the municipal law in the Uni-
verfity of Edinburgh, being a fup-
plement to Sir George M'Kenzie's
Inftitutions. Edinburgh 1749. in
l^a I<1 Bearde [M. de rjbhaye.) Eflays in
l^^^/cJ./O' Agriculture, together with reflec¬
tions on animals, plants, feeds, flips,
and manures. To which is prefix¬
ed an addrefs to the literary focieties
in Europe eftablifhed for the im¬
provement of natural knowledge.
London ijyS. in 4.
y j^^.Beatfon {John.) Divine charafter of
'' Chrift confidered and vindicated.
,^6^^ Leeds 1773. in 12.
I / Satisfadion of Chrift demonftra-
,|^.7^i ted, in a feries of Dialogues. Leeds
1774. in 12.
\j^lc Q-^ Divine philanthropy, a poetical
L ^ '' eflay. Leeds 1-777. m 12.
"-» Beattie [James^ L. L. D. Profeflbr of
'j^.'3l. moral philofophy in the Univerfity
of Aberdeen. Eflays. i. On poetry
and mufic, as they affeO: the mind : 2.
On laughter and ludicrous compo-
fition : 3. On the utility of clafll-
cal learning. Edinburgh 1776. in
ll\^ A/*——DiflTertations moral and critical.
—' ' London 1783. in \.
â– Beauvis {M. ) Hiftoire abregee
des Empereurs Romains et Grecs,
des Imperatrices, des Cefars, des Ty-
rans, et des perfonnes des families
Imperiales pour lefquelles on a frap-
pe des medailles, depuis Pompee
jufqu' a laprife de Conftantinople par
les Turcs, 3 tom. A Paris 1767. in
?jr^x.<j3eauzee (M. ) Grammaire gene-
rale, ou expofition raifonnee des
elements neceflTaires du langage pour
fervir de fondement a I'dtude de
toutes les langues, 2 tom. A Paris
lyOy. in 8.
Bee {J^ean du.) Hiftory of the Great I A^ f /^
Emperour Tamerlan. London i^g-j.^__j_iJ*^ *
in 4. Vide Clark (>.)
Beddoes {Thomas,) Vide Scheelc
Bedford {Arthur.) Horae mathema-\ A^^n .n
ticae vacuaej or a treatife of the L_—IJ ' "^ *
golden and ecliptic numbers. Lon¬
don 174J. in 8.
Belidor (Bernard.) Architedure hy-f j^ A ^qoa 0 7
draulique, ou I'art de conduire, d'e-t^3__l/ ^'-^y'
lever, et de menager les eaux pour
les differens befoins de la vie, pre¬
miere partie, 2 tom- A Paris 1737.
—1739. z«4. ^ _ ^^
rSeconde partie, qui comprendf /^ / ></ j^. .^4
I'art de diriger les eaux de lai J
mer, et des rivieres a I'avantage de
la defenfe des places, du commerce,
et de I'agriculture, 2 tom. A Paris
1750—1753./«4. r-T-\ y-n
Belifarius {Aqua^ivus^ Vide Aqua.-j^y^\^,o3,
vivus. I—--—'
Belius {Matthias.) De vetere Httera- ^ .^y /" OA^
tura Hunno-Scythica exercitatio. '''
Lip/iae 1718. z« 4.
Bell {Benjajnin.) Treatife on the the¬
ory and management of ulcers, with
a diflTertation on white fwellings of
the joints ; to which is prefixed an
efl!ay on the chirurgical treatment
of inflammation and its confequen-
ces' Edinburgh 1778. in 8.
Bellamy {Daniel.) M. A. Fami!
preacher^ confifting of pradical dil
courfes for every Sunday through- 'iL.. V^
out the year; as alfo for Chriftmas-
day, Good-Friday, and other folemn
occafions, 2 vol. London 1776. in
Bellamy {George Anne.) Apology for ^4^* 5^^4-0'
her life, written by herfelf: To
which is annexed her original letter
to John Calcraft, Efqj 5 vol. Lon¬
don ly^^, in 12,
Bentleius {Richardus.) Vide Horatius
Flaccus {^intus.) 1—jy~,
Bentley {Samuel.) River Dove, a h^L^J S^.^/.
ric paftoral. London iy6S. in/H..
' Poems on various occafions; con-T 4/^1 A ,'^0,

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