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8 Appendix Bibliothec^ Facultatis yuridica.
Ac HI us {Jo. Aiigujl.) Index
fecundum ordinem literarum
digeftus librorum a recenlio-
ribus et poft renatas literas fcripto -
rum, qui adducuntur in Jo. Aug.
Bachii hiftoria jurifprudentiae Ro-
manae Lipfiae. MS. infol.
BadejQade ( .) Hiflory of the an¬
cient and prefent date of the naviga¬
tion of the port of Kings-Lyn, and
of Cambridge, with Col. Armftrong's
method propofed for draining llie
fens, and amending the harbour of
Lyn. London iy66. infol.
Bagfhawe [Edivard.) Speech In par¬
liament concerning the trial of the
twelve bifliops, on Monday the 7th
January 1641. , As alfo the articles
now in agitation objeded againft
them. London .164.2. in 4..
Bailey [Alexander Maby^n.) Aclyance-
ment of arts, - manuradijx5s,._aod
commerce, 2 vol. London 1779. info'k
Bailey {N.) Univerfal etymological
Englifli dictionary, enlarged and
corrected by Edward Harwood, D.
D. London 1782. in 8.
Bailly (M.*</.) Lettres fur I'orlgi-
ne des fciences, et fur celle des peu-
ples de r Afie, addreflees a M. de
Voltaire, et precedees de quelques
lettres de M. de Voltaire a 1' Auteur.
A Londres ei A Paris I'JJJ^ in 8.
Lettres fur 1' Atlantide de Platon,
et fur V ancienne hiftoire de l' Afie.
A Londres et A Paris 1779. in 8.
Hiftoire de 1' aftronomie ancienne
depuis fon origine juiqu'a I'eta
bliftement de I'ecole d' Aiexandrie.
A Paris 1781. in /^.
' Hiftoire de 1' aftronomie moderne foundation de 1' ecole d'
Aiexandrie, jufqu'a I'epoque de
M.DCC.XXX. 3 torn. A Paris
1785. in 4.
Baillie {Robert,) D. D. Principal of
the Univerfity of Glafgow. Letters
and journals, containing an impar-
tial account of public tranfaCtions,
civil, ecclefiaftical, and nalitary, in
England and Scotland, from the h>€- ^ '
ginning of the civil wars, in 1637,
to the year 1662, 2 vol. Edinbiiigh
1775.^8. r-i-
Baker {Da-oid Erjkine.) Biographia/^^w?,
dramatica ; or a companion to th^—-—1
play-houfe, 2 vol. London 1782. in 8.
* Balfour [Sir James) Lyon King "at ^n O^
Arms. Copies of the charters of e- ' ' • *
redion of the feveraJ abbacies and
monafteries in Scotland, in his own
hand writing, with his atteftation
that they are exaCt copies of the o-
riginals, infol. '
Balfour [Sir James^ of Pettindreich, a^/^ n/f
Clerk Regifter. PraCticks of the Ia.w- '«^''^'
of Scotland, MS. infol.
Part of his pradicks of the law /y,t A n
of Scotland, MS. infol. ^ri/.^.^
Pradicks, A/5. z«/^^' '5^.^,23!^
Ballads. Old ballads, hiftorical and
narrative, with fome of modern date,
now firft colleded and reprinted
from rare copies, with notes by T.
Evans, 2 vol. London 1786 in 8. r^
Ballard [George^ Memoirs of feveralf ^j>^ *]f
ladies of Great Britain who have--—•' * 'ii^i
been celebrated for their writings or
fkill in the learned languages, arts,
and fciences. Oxford 1752. in 4.
Balmerinoch Coenobium. Cartularium/7^', 2.^<?
Abbaciae B. Mariae de Balmerinoch, /
in Fife, ordinis Ciftercii. N. B. This
is a tranfcript from the original in
the Advocates Library, and was for¬
merly the property of Col. Charles
Fairfax, a younger fon to the lirft
Lord Fairfax, and coufin-german to
General Sir Thomas Fairfax, that
truly learned antiquary. MS. infol.
Exji. with Sir James Balfour's col-
ledion ot charters of eredion of the
feveral abbacies in Scotland, &c.
Baltazar ( .) Hiftoire de la guerre
de'Guienne. Exfl, en pieces fugi¬

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