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4 Appendix Bibliothec^ Facultatis yuridic^.
^. 2. Ib
, T- , ^.Gl.
of Buchan. Hlft Scot. lib. 19. Cul-
tus et ritus religionis^ <^'c. 1560.
M. S. in 8. Exjl. with Bifhop and
fuperintendant, No. 3.
Anderfon [yames.) EfTays relating to
agriculture and rural affairs. Edin¬
burgh lyys- "i 8'
— Inquiry into the caufes that have
hitherto retarded the advancement
of agriculture in Europe, with hints
for removing the circumftances that
have chiefly obftru(Sled its progrefs.
Edinburgh 1779. z« 4.
Anderfon ( .) Hiftoire naturelle de
I' iilande du Greenland, du Detroit
de Davis, et d' autres pays fitues
fous le Nord, 2 vol. ^ Paris 1750,
in I 2.
Andreas [Johannes.) Syntagma juris
de probationibus,exceptionibus, fen-
tentiis, et executionibus, cum piae-
fatione Danielis Clafenii. Lipftac
1676. in 4.
Andreas Ratif^3oncnris Prefb. Ord. Can.
Reg. S. Aug. Diarium fcxennale an-
-num Chrifti 1422, cum qulnque fe-
quentibus compledens. F.xji. inter
Oefelii rcrum Boicarum fcripiorcs,
torn. I. pog> 15.
Chronicon Epifcoporum Ratifpo-
nenfium ab origine ad annum Chrif
ti 1428. Ibid.pag. 31.
Andrews [John) Hiftory of the re¬
volutions of Denmark, .with an ac¬
count of the prefent (late of that
kingdom and people, 2 vol. J^on-
don 1774- i'ii 8.
Anecdotes dramatiques, contenant, i.
*■ Toutes les pieces de theatre. 2.
Tous les ouvrages .dramatiques qui
n'ont ete reprefentcs fur aucun thea¬
tre, mais qui font imprimes, ou con¬
serves en M. S. dans quelques.bibli-
otheques. 3. Un recueil de tout ce
qu'on a pu ralfambler d'an^cdotesim-
priraees, manufcrites, verbales, con-
nues ou peu connues, 4. Les noms
de tons les auteurs, poetes ou mufi-
clens, &c. 3 torn. A Paris 1775. in
AncTJefey* Illand "of. Hiflory of thej
Illand of Anglefey, from its firft in-
vafion by the Romans, until finally
acceded to the crown of England,
ferving as a fupplement to Rowland's
Mona antiqua rejlaurata. London
lyjS' ^«4-
Angoulefme, Due de. Memoires fous
Henri IV. en 1589. Exjl. en pieces
fugitives pour fervir a 1' hiftoire de
France, torn. 2.
Animal creation. Philofophical furv^ey (2/0/^ /p
of the animal creation, an eflay //'*-'^'
tranflated from the French. London
iy68. in 8.
Animarum a corporibus feparatarum flf^ ^ A
ftatus. Sentiments diiferents de ^/'^''^
quelques theologiens fur letat des
ames feparces des corps, en quatorze
lettres. —— in 8.
Annales poetiques, ou almanack des
mufes, depuis 1' origine de la poefie
Francoife, torn. A Paris 1778.
in 12.
Annual regifler, containing a fummary
view of the hiftory of Europe, do-
meftic occurrences, ftate papers, pro¬
motions, natural hiftory, antiquities,
literary and mifcelianeous effays,'
with a general index, &c. from the
year 1758 to 1783, 4th edit. 26 vol.
London 1764.-82. in 8. « ^ .
Antiphon Rhetor. Orationes, Gr. Lat. L^J^.^
cum commentariis integris Hieron.^—^-^
Wolfii, Ja. Taylori, Jerem. Mai-klan-
di, et aliorum. Exji. iuter oratores
Graecos Jo. Jac. Reifke, vol y.pag.
601. ei 'vol. %.pag. 199.
Aiitiquitatum Romanarum collcdanea.
Vide Borionus [yintonius,] y
Anvers [Caleb d') Craftfman, 14 vol.'
London 1737. in 12.
Anville d', F/^^ Bourguignon.
Apitius [Cnelius.) Schola Apitiani, ex:I /Uln"
optimis quiDuIdam authoribus dili-U' / M '
genter, ac noviter conftruda, au-
tjiore Polyonimo Syngrapheo; accef-
fcre dialogi aliquot D. Erafmi, - Ant-
verpiae, 1558. z« 8. T7^
Apollonius Pergaeus. Vide Burrow^/^.Ll.^/S
{Reuben.) Sin\hn.{Robertus.) u- — /

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